Francis Duggan Poems

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Of What Used To Be But May Not Be Again

On Sundays in Summer with roses in bloom
On the hill overlooking the football park in Macroom
Millstreet fans often watched their football team in the Cork senior championship play
This is something that does not happen today

The Unfriendly Town

I have no wish to seduce their women or set their homes on fire
Or to harm them in any way i feel no desire
To them i am a stranger one they only visually know
But their dislike of me in their body language show

We All Have Our Stories

Though financially some of us never do well
We all have our stories in life for to tell
Though an autobiography on your life in book form you may never write
Or as an e book on an internet literary site

Napoleon Led The Way

In physical stature by all accounts he was quite small
But when it came to courage Napoleon stood tall
Unlike the war leaders of the World of today
Into battle his men he did lead the way

Though This To Anyone

Though this to anyone is not anything that is new
The majority of the wealth of the World is owned by the few
The multi rich are rare and millions in poverty
In a fair Human World this would never be

The Praises Of Nature

The praises of Nature a pleasure for to sing
Such joy to so many she always does bring
The beauty is all around me every day
Of the one who can create new life out of decay

Of A Life Of Adventure

Of a life of adventure i do not have to tell
Though i have drunk of the clear spring water of Tubrid Well
And i have heard the brown larks on evenings in May
Singing above the bog in Claraghatlea from here far away

I Pen Rhymes For Enjoyment That And Nothing More

I have told you in rhyme many times before
I pen rhymes for enjoyment that and nothing more
If i did not enjoy doing it i would give it away
Since for it i never receive any pay

We Reap What We Sow In Life

It gives me a great sense of satisfaction when i help someone
To realize for the day a good deed i have done
Every person i help does mean good karma for me
For i believe we reap what we sow though some with that may disagree

Duhallow On An August Night

Two miles from the Village of Cullen in the parish of Millstreet
Where the rivers of Araglen and Blackwater do meet
The barn owl out hunting in the moonlight
Flying on silent wings a predator of the night

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