Francis Duggan Poems

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In Memoryofted

Not every day for one can be a good day
That life has it's sorrows only true to say
As the good woman Jenny White knows all too well
Of her life she has some sad stories to tell

Maryborough In March

In the sunny mostly blue sky just a few patches of gray
It is warm so very warm in Maryborough today
The weather temperatures well over thirty degrees
It is even warm in the shade of the trees

In Theeyeseyes Of The Beholder

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder is how it seems to be
If you look for beauty then beauty you will see
One person's flower to another is a weed
We are different in our thinking quite different indeed


In literature it did have it's fashionable time
But most of the twenty first century literary critics are dismissive of rhyme
They simply dismiss it as mere doggerel
Just ordinary jingle of literature's never do well


Due to the removal of trees by humans in their range
And human induced Global Warming that gives rise to Climate Change
Many species of wildlife are becoming rare
And that extinction is forever we are all too aware

Fact Of The Matter

In a World where many wish to be a billionaire
And where narcissistic people are no longer rare
At parties and social gatherings or wherever they meet
People for attention with each other compete

Of Gray Fantails

Where trees are abundant they prefer to stay
Birds i does see often though not every day
Slightly smaller than willy wagtail in feathers of light brown and gray
With long gray tails birds peculiar in their way

Voice In My Mind

Whenever i consider giving rhyming away
A tiny voice in my mind to me always does say
Without rhyme in your life what else for a hobby would you do
The saddest man in the town then would be you

Youmay Be The Best

You may be the best in the town at what you do
But remember there is always one better than you
Though you have yetto be found wanting when put to the test
Great as you may think you are you are not the best

Many Roadways

So many roadways of life i have been up and down
Since i left Claraghatlea just west of Millstreet Town
Some of the bigger World i have happened to see
Though others have travelled far more than me

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