Francis Duggan Poems

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The Great Gift Of Life Is A Wonderful Thing

Though life's journey's end from me cannot be far away
I feel happy when i wake for to greet each new day
To hear Nature's wild-born birds chirp and sing
The great gift of life is a wonderful thing

Of My Inhibitions

Perhaps to be wealthy and widely known i was not meant to be
Though lack of money and fame never does bother me
But in many ways i am my own worst enemy
Since of my inhibitions i will never break free

This Is How It Is And This Is Nothing New

This is how it is and this is nothing new
The majority of the wealth of the World is owned by the few
In a World of inequality for one to win big many have to lose
And losing is a thing that anyone does not choose

The High Fields Of Kilmeedy

In fancy i only can see them today
The high fields of Kilmeedy from here far away
Where Clara's old bracken face ever looks down
On that green valley close to Millstreet Town

We Are Born As Mortals Why Otherwise Pretend

To a ripe old age on medication doctors may keep you alive
Years beyond when you have lost your sexual drive
But the Reaper he claims every life in the end
We are born as mortals why otherwise pretend

James In His Early Twenties

James in his early twenties is a far better man than me
He has eyes for beauty and beauty he only see
Kind and compassionate to help others he goes out of his way
And unkind things of anyone he never does say

Why Ask Me

Why ask me something beyond me to explain
Why somebody's loss becomes someone else's gain
Somebody's financial misfortune becomes becomes another's opportunity
For to make plenty of money cannot say why this should be

Everyone Is Good At Doing Something

Everyone is good at doing something as we have been told
But people lose some of their talent as they do grow old
The legs that moved fast when young many years ago
Now feeling tired and heavy time has become their foe

Have You Ever For A Moment

Have you ever for a moment asked yourself what life's about
And of your true worth as a person never cast a fleeting doubt
In saying that you are not one of the majority i am not saying anything that is new
These so called super confident people to say the least are few

So Little Of Her Ways

So little of her ways i can claim to know
But my wonder of her only does seem to grow
Mother Nature the one who provides for all
Of us humans including all other life forms from the great to the small

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