Francis Duggan Poems

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At Number One You Begin

Anyone on their own cannot make the World a much better World to live in
But to count to a million at number one you must begin
And everyone who lives as a good person some credit is due
That they are helping to make the World better to live in happens to be true

On A Fair Go For All

A fair go for all in many instances to all does not apply
Since many Governments Worldwide a fair go to some of their people choose to deny
Due to difference in religion and culture as well as race
For a fair go for all in many Countries there does not seem to be a place

What Goes Around Comes Around Does Only Seem True

That bad things at the hands of criminals are happening to good people every day Worldwide
In every Country is something that cannot be denied
Ruthless people bereft of compassion as ever not rare
The kind who derive pleasure in the suffering of others their victims relatives grief do not spare

With Rhyme Words

With rhyme words i am one who does love to play
And new rhymes do come to my mind every day
On notebook paper i pen them down
But never for money or for literary renown

You Cannot Love Your Country

You cannot love your Country if you do not love all of it's races of people as well
And you do not love all of it's races of people by your words i can tell
So when you say you love your Country you believe your own lie
Though you boast for the National flag you would gladly die

How Could I Not Love Australia

My best years behind me old age of me ahead
And eventually i too will be one of the dead
But i do feel lucky as lucky can be
To live in Australia this Land good for me

So Many Greedy People

So many greedy people living in this World today
The more they have the more they want with them it is this way
So lucky the compassionate the caring and the kind
The sort of person that you are is living in your mind

Compared To Most

Compared to most my personal problems seem small
And of worries i do not have many at all
And on little money i manage to get by
The nice tag of lucky to me must apply

On Jeoffrey O' Sullivan's Memories Of Tubrid

A changed Country Ireland the Ireland of today
Since the young Jeoffrey O' Sullivan traveled with his mother and siblings by donkey cart to Tubrid in May
The spring well of devotion near the Town of Millstreet
A short walk through Matty Owens bog to where the rivers do meet

The Pride Of Edel Quinn Hall

She has just turned seventy and her long term Aussie husband is seventy three
After thirty seven years love between them is strong and they seldom disagree
A grandmother ten times her once brown hair now gray
Physically like all of her age she has known a far better day

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