Francis Duggan Poems

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In The North West Cork I Lived In

In the North west Cork i used to live in politically it was Fine Gael and Fianna Fail
With the Labour Party in third place compared to the other two their voting block small
But times there i believe have changed little at all
That some things never change wise words worthy of recall

Time Seems To Pass Quickly

Time seems to pass quickly and keeps ticking on
And at twelve o clock midnight today will be gone
Time it does rust iron and brings decay
And everyday we do live one nearer to our last day

On Ian Thorpe's Depression

Without good health mentally and physically life can be hell
Ian Thorpe the great Olympic swimmer is not feeling mentally well
He is suffering of depression such sad news to hear
The future not looking good for him it does appear

Life Can Be A Battle For Some Every Day

Life can be a battle for some every day
But only the bravest keep battling away
When most hope of better things for them from them has gone
Only the bravest at such times do keep battling on

Rhymers Never Run Out Of Rhyme

Eventually everyone does run out of time
But for as long as they live rhymers never run out of rhyme
And every day new things for to write rhymes about
The rhymer rhymes on even in times of self doubt

On The Corella Scaring In Koroit

A few evening a week Moyne Shire Council use their bird scarers to scare long billed corellas out of Koroit Town
At least twenty loud bangs sometimes nearer to thirty in the fading twilight just after sundown
The corellas fly from the tall trees making quite a racket the evening sky full of their loud frightened cries
But this is not the last time Koroitians see or hear the corellas which hardly does come at any great surprise

The Poetess Felicia Hemans

Of the English Language she does remain a major poet
Felicia Hemans though long deceased is a literrary person of note
Born in Liverpool in England in Dublin in Ireland she died
Many of her poems were inspired by her beloved Welsh countryside

The Only Person Here From Millstreet

In Koroit in South West Victoria a Duhallow person i have yet to meet
Perhaps i am the only person here from Millstreet
Though many Koroitians can lay claim to Irish ancestry they do not play Hurling or Gaelic Football
Here the games they mostly play are A F L, Cricket, Lawn Bowls and Netball

In Heatwave Conditions

In heatwave conditions of many days of over thirty degrees
Thirsty El Nino in the warm sun and the breeze
Is sucking the last bit of moisture from the dry ground
In places of drought conditions healthy crops not to be found

But True To My Life's Calling

For many years i have been a rhyming buff
And the stuff i do pen is only rhyming stuff
My better days in life in the forever gone
But true to my life's calling i keep on rhyming on

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