Francis Duggan Poems

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It Is Not Hard To Imagine

It is not hard to imagine as some are known to say
In his flights of fancy the places he grew up in he visits every day
Above the silent valley a musical speck in the sky
The small brown lark is caroling as towards the clouds he does fly

Like All Life Forms

Like all life forms we are mortal and that is not a lie
We are born from woman helpless and as helpless we will die
Only Nature lives forever that is how it seems to me
The only one i know of who outlives mortality

On How We Treat Others

On how we treat others we do have a choice
And like it is said it is nice to be nice
For your acts of kindness good things you receive
On such a philosophy i do believe

John Has Been Out Of Poland

He does not have the things many men seem to need in their life
Such as children and community status and a partner or wife
John has been out of Poland for more than sixty years
But for his past he is a fellow who does not have tears

The Self Centered One

A boastful and arrogant fellow named Rod
He does feel that he is superior to God
To talk of self one who does never feel shy
Quite boring to describe him are words that apply

He Seems Out Of Place

He seems out of place where the laughter is loud
There is always one lonely one in a crowd
Those who know him for years say life he never did enjoy
That he seldom did smile even as a boy

I Have Some Way To

Since to my higher self i struggle to be true
Suppose good Karma is something i am not due
At times i do feel that i leave myself down
Though many more like me on this side of the town

Just For The Joy Of It

I never pretend for to be a poet
Nor am i one worthy of literary note
The rhymes come to my mind on paper i pen them down
I'm just an average rhymer in a rural town

Suppose This Is How It Is

Whilst i do not wish upon any person or life form ill
I eat the flesh of creatures that others do kill
And what does this say of a fellow like me
That i am a hypocrite this well may be

To Music

Embraced by all Races of all Nations Worldwide
It is true that music does cross the cultural divide
And those who claim it as their own have got it all wrong
Since music to everyone it does belong

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