Francis Duggan Poems

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On Gina Rinehart

Many times a billionaire from mining Aboriginal Land
Yet i cannot even try for to understand
Why the indigenous people are so poor and Gina Rinehart is a multi billionaire
So much for those who say that all in life is fair

Since I Was A Young Man

Since i was a young man some things have not changed much since then
Many young women today fancy big muscle bound men
Impressed by the bulging biceps not the brain in the head
Not hard to impress of some it can be said

Two Aging Nice People

An aging poor man and his poor aging wife
They only seem to have each other in life
The weather is breezy and warm and fine
Walking in the park in the evening sunshine

We Never Stop Learning As Some

We never stop learning as some like to say
And from life we do learn something new every day
We will be learning from life until the day we die
I only quote fact and fact does never lie

In My Wild Flights Of Fancy I Hear The Silver Tongued Rill

In my wild flights of fancy i hear the silver tongued rill
Flow babbling to the river down the high field by the hill
When the wildflowers in the old fields are quite beautiful to see
And the male chaffinch is singing on the leafy alder tree

Such Sad News

Such sad news on t v and radio every day
From war torn countries from here far away
From Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Afghanistan
Conflicts seem never ending the decades they do span

On The 2013 Australian Federal Election

A Federal Election in September in Spring
The politicians on the hustings their own praises do sing
In their electioneering in every village and city and town
Politician laud their own parties and run their opponents down

For All Of Us

Some die very young and some die old and gray
For all of us there will be a last night and day
Many claim that post bodily death the soul has wings to fly
To another World somewhere beyond the sky

A Stranger's Face

In my first home-place Claraghatlea in Millstreet in Duhallow from here far away
To many there i would be a stranger today
I left there almost twenty seven years ago
And time since then it has become my foe

The Old Merri River To The Ocean Flows On

were i born a poet a poem i would write
A poem for others to read and enjoy and recite
Of the famed Merri River an old water-way
That in Warrnambool flows into the Pacific at Lady Bay

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