Francis Duggan Poems

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On The Brush Tail Possums In The Backyard

Most wild born creatures when they see humans disappear from sight
But in the backyard i put out slices of apples for possums every night
They try to climb up my pants as if i were an apple tree
As a source of food they only see me

Jack Lane

Far from Aubane near Millstreet In Duhallow his first home countryside
Jack Lane is a fellow who is known far and wide
As a historian, writer, editor and publisher he is one famed and known
In Aubane they are proud to claim Jack as their own

Environmental Vandalism

To lovers of Nature demeaning and a put down
Grand old cypress trees needlessly felled in the park of the town
Environmental vandalism for want of a better name
Whoever authorized this must not have a sense of shame

Money Does Speak Every Language

He covers his baldness in a brown wig the sugar daddy with the big nose
But his fifth wife she is young and pretty one might say she blooms like a rose
A twenty five years old beauty with shoulder length wavy ginger hair
The only reason she is with him is he is a multi millionaire

No Need For You To Tell Him

No need for you to tell him life can be unfair
Since for years he's been fighting his black moods of despair
For many years his moods have been up and down
One of the saddest of people in his side of the town

Australia By Nature And Australia By Name

Such beauty around me every day i do see
This Land of the south is home from home to me
The song of the magpie so pleasant to hear
The bird who does sing every day of the year

The One Who Loses With Grace

To lose without grace even seems a bigger sin
Than being arrogant and boastful when you do win
If you cannot lose with grace you cannot win with humility
At least anyway that's how it seems to me

She Was One Of Those Quite A Joy For To Meet

So charming and beautiful in her own way
I used to see her often though not very day
Out walking on the park pathway or on the street
She was one of those quite a joy for to meet

A Stranger I Would Be

It has been awhile now since my hair was dark brown
Since i worked in the old fields west of Millstreet Town
The blackbird piped his territorial tune
In the early Summer in the prime of June

By Mistakes One Learn

Young Henry Cunningham out Blackburn way he started on hair clipping
He done the barber on himself and gave his hair good ripping
And then not satisfied with that he scalped Mick his small brother
And young boys always will be boys but pity his poor mother.

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