Francis Duggan Poems

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Life Without Them Goes On

Many who thought they were irreplaceable where the deceased are now lay
And life and business in the World without them is going on today
They were looked on as important till life's reaper came reaping their way
Death is the great equalizer as the wise person does say

By Becoming A Far Better You

You can make the World better to live in this is something you surely can do
By being kind and caring and compassionate and becoming a far better you
The World not better for you in it if in your climb to wealth and renown
That you have been selfish and ruthless and have been known to drag others down

I Am One Of

I am one of those out of date people for many years a rhyming buff
Of four decades and three years of rhyming i have written a whole pile of stuff
One of many unpaid internet rhymers there are plenty like me everywhere
Who are dismissed by the literary critics of the literary World out there

Not Everyone Can Be A Winner

Not everyone can be a winner for one to win others must lose
Though losing is something it does seem that anyone would never choose
I cannot say i know of any loser with herself or himself satisfied
It is only always the winner who does have the broad smile of pride

It May Not Be In Duhallow

I have lived through many a Season my life's journey's end cannot be far away
But it may not be in Duhallow that i will spend my last night and day
And i may never more see the Boggeraghs half cloaked in the gray fogs of rain
Or see tadpoles their long tails wriggling in Summer in the dark pool of a drain

Ted Thinks He Is

Young Ted thinks he is a gift to the town's young women but most of the town's young women do not see it this way
Since he is not handsome and charming and is quite arrogant of him one can say
Linda his latest girlfriend to have dumped him says his ego is too big for his head
He is an egotistical fellow humility in him is long dead

David Gray '1838-1861'

The son of a hand loom weaver from Kirkintilloch In Dumbartonshire
Of reading his poetry i for one could not tire
Surely one of the best Scottish poets of his time
He died in his twenty third year of life in his physical prime

Like The Weeds

Like the weeds of the garden does stifle every flower
This is what happens when people unworthy of such an honor are given great power
Of those who do not admire them their rights they transgress
They marginalize and vilify and them do oppress

Cricket Is Just Another Game

Cricket just like baseball and football and golf is just another game
And though some great cricket players have won Worldwide fame
Cricket for most cricket fans like followers of all other sports
From their life cares is just an escape of sorts

The Wonderful World Of Nature

From us Humans she hides her secrets though her beauty with all she does share
The Wonderful World of Nature with her there is none to compare
A walk in her parks and her woodlands is a thing that I truly enjoy
And I have loved the Mother of Nature ever since I was quite a young boy

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