Francis Duggan Poems

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Have You Ever Wondered

Have you ever wondered what life is about
And your worth as a person do you ever doubt?
Such questions as some ask themselves every day
Self doubt born of low self esteem some do say

I'Ve Written Of

I've written of Nature and Nature's beauty I've seen
Of the bluebells in Spring on the ditch of the bohreen
And I've written about the paddocks bare and brown
Of the quiet outback far from the nearest town.

One Who Is Easily Satisfied

He does not wish to buy half of the Countryside
For he is one who is easily satisfied
To provide for his wife and his young family
Is success enough in life for one such as he.

The Consequences Could Be Dire

For the Human World the consequences could be dire
Climate Change all around us in earthquakes, storms, floods, drought and fire
For our abuse of our Natural Envoironment such the price we must pay
Without us Mother Nature would do quite okay

The Heroes And The Wise

Only fools do sunbathe in the hot mid-day sun
But a wise one will say sir to the one with the gun
With a gun pointed at you under such circumstance
To be brave with your life would be taking a chance.

We Are Only Human When All Is Said And Done

We are only human when all is said and done
And it is quite impossible to like everyone
But tell me of one completely free of taint
And you are telling me you know of a living saint

Suppose I Will Be Penning Stuff

What matter for my success or lack of it since I must die anyway
And my biological clock is ticking on I've known a better day
And what use now in any regret since regret is a waste of time
In the many hours I've seemingly wasted in the penning of reams of rhyme

She Comes From The Place

She comes from the place where the green rushes grow
Where the Araglen waters to the Blackwater flow
A beautiful young woman in her life's prime
One might say of her on the right side of time

Well That Suits Me Fine

You say I am damned well that suits me fine
Save your own soul mister you cannot save mine
To worship the God you believe in you won't convert me
With your way of thinking I do not agree

True Aussie Heroes And Heroines

From Victoria's bushfires great stories we hear
Stories of great courage in the face of fear
Stories of generosity and selflessness of the catastrophe abound
When heroes and heroines are needed they are to be found

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