Francis Duggan Poems

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In My Younger Years

In my younger years near the Town of Millstreet
In the green countryside where the waterways meet
I grew to love the natural World around me
Good memories of what was today live in me

This Is A Sad Thing

Sad to say we will always have the material and social divide
And sad to say that the gap between the rich and the poor does keep growing wide
So many poor people in life doing it tough
Whilst the privileged few of life's luxuries have far more than enough

For Those With Social Phobia

At parties and social gatherings they feel out of place
Such occasions for them a huge challenge to face
For those with social phobia how tough life must be
They are to be pitied would you not agree

All Old Jimmy Ask Of Life

Of the struggles of life he is one who has known
All old Jimmy asks of life is a home of his own
He lives in a cheap one bedroom apartment that in Winter is cold
Not comfortable to live in for one who is growing old

Time The Immortal

The saying time does not wait for anyone it's own self does explain
It is everyone's master and as such will always remain
It brings to an end the life of the poor one and the life of the billioanaire
Time that rusts iron any life does not spare

I Hope To Be Doing It

I am one who has written a whole heap of rhyme
Just old fashioned stuff over decades of time
Since for it i never receive any money as pay
Some have advised me for to give it away

Wonder Of Nature

My wonder of Nature only grow and grow
Yet so little about her i can claim of to know
I learn something new of her every day
That in life we never stop learning it does seem this way

The Rufous Songlark

Mottled brown wings, tail, back and head, rufous rump, spotted breast and unders of light gray
Quite distinctive from other grassland birds in their way
In their breeding Season the males fly around their territory in a territorial display
In open grassy wooded country known to be nomadic those who know of them does say

On John Clare

Since he lived in time many decades have gone
But in his love and Nature poetry his fame does live on
His love of Mary Joyce in his poems is living today
Though his love of her was unrequited in truth one can say

John Clare

Since he lived in time many decades have gone
But in his love and Nature poetry his fame does live on
His love of Mary Joyce in his poems is living today
Though his love of her was unrequited in truth one can say

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