Francis Duggan Poems

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James Hogg

The Ettrick Shepherd his nickname
And he was one who knew great fame
Far more than a man of rhyme
His poems have stood the test of time,

Just Leave Me To Nature

In Claraghatlea near Millstreet my life's journey began
And in that old Townland i grew into a man
But i cannot say where my remains will lay
I will be with Nature and that is okay.

'Tis Part Of Human Nature

I take them as i meet them of people i must say
And if some disrespect me in kind them i repay
Respect me and I'll respect you in that i do believe
'Tis part of human nature to return what you receive.

In The Wood By Mushera Mountain

In the wood by Mushera Mountain the birds sing all the day
And the hawthorns look resplendent in their white blooms of the May
And downland towards the river it's voice is never still
The clear stream from the mountain goes babbling down the hill,

Some People Are Prone To Addictions

Some people are prone to addictions and addiction in some cases a crime
But i am not one to be talking since i am addicted to rhyme
The critics of course they ignore me and their type i have no cause to fear
Since i am an amateur poetaster and i do not have a literary career.

Marianne From Lucerne

She stayed on the hill for a few days the young woman with brown eyes and dark hair
But in her blue motor van she left one morning and drove down the highway to elsewhere
A beautiful Swiss woman in her early twenties down to earth and free of conceit
She came and she left without fanfare and her i feel glad i did meet.

I Do Count Myself Rather Lucky

I do count myself rather lucky when I see how many must live
And I rather powerless to help them since I have so little to give
In third World and war ravaged Countries so many condemned to live rough
The Stateless and the homeless and the hungry survival on them is so tough.

Do You

Do you feel confused in your thinking of late your thoughts do not seem clear
The past has become a blurred vision and the future you only do fear
With you there's little wrong mentally you don't hear voices in your head
But than go to the theatre or parties you'd prefer to sit at home instead

Another Huge Earthquake

Another huge Earthquake in Java and thousands are missing and dead
Just one angry outburst of Nature leaving millions of people in dread
Of another mighty earth tremor the fear it is real and widespread
Of the destructive power of our Earth Mother so much has been written and said,

One Cannot Change The World

One cannot change the World so why even bother to try
Since the fundamentalists out there do their best to deny
Others of their beliefs those who to them think differently
Extremists of any sort seem dangerous to me.

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