Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Hardly A Role Model

Hardly a role model for every young boy
Though his retirement I do hope he enjoy
He waged war on Iraq and Afghanistan
He abused his power he is not a wise man

A Mild Winter Day

Mid Winter the sun shines between the brief showers
And the flowering gums look pretty in their pink flowers
And crows, straw necked ibis, starlings, magpies and magpie lark
Are searching for food in the deserted park

You May Be Celebrated

You may be a tall poppy the tallest in the town
But there is always one or maybe more who will try to drag you down
Or in much simpler language to cut you down to size
That the tall poppy syndrome is alive and well should come as no surprise.

You Great Goddess Of Nature

You great Goddess of Nature I see the beauty you create every day
In saying you are the only God I know of I do mean what I say
'Tis said that you and Mother Nature are one and of the same
Goddess of Nature or Mother Nature you go by either name

The Here And Now We Live In

The past has gone forever we can't bring back the past
Though memories of our good times with us our lifetime last
The future is ahead of us and to father time we bow
But we must live in the present in the here and now

In Matty Owens Bog

The pipe of the curlew I fancy I hear
In Matty Owens bog many miles north of here
In the calm of a June evening melodious and clear
In Summer a beautiful time of year

In A World Of Love

In a World of love of such one can only dream
Joy peace and compassion would reign supreme
The war men would find themselves marginalized
And those who love peace their greatest wishes realized

On Writers

Some are hobby writers and some do write for pay
But that they all help to make the wordsmith trade it does seem fair to say
And what constitutes good or bad writing why ask someone like me
Since I'm not a literary critic or do not have a literary degree.

In Sydney She Will Stay

Though in Sydney she has lived for three years going on four
At times she does feel homesick for Semaphore
The Town in South Australia a short walk to the sea
Though Sydney she feels is where she's meant to be.

Since You Never Harm Anyone

Since you never harm anyone in any way
What matters what others of you have to say
As long as they do not besmirch your good name
Or with their comments your character do not defame.

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