Francis Duggan Poems

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The Heroes And The Wise

Only fools do sunbathe in the hot mid-day sun
But a wise one will say sir to the one with the gun
With a gun pointed at you under such circumstance
To be brave with your life would be taking a chance.

So Much To Write About

I commenced penning stuff when in my life's prime
And I've never written poetry I only pen rhyme
Not hard for to pen and easy to recite
And the type of stuff anybody could write

In Big Brother's Eyes

You hang in there in life's battle though the going for you is tough
But to say the least you feel sad to know you are not good enough
To be rated by Big Brother as one who has achieved
For being a battler recognition as of yet you've not received

Back There Near Ballydaly

Back there near Ballydaly the rain is drizzling down
And few cars on the roadway that leads to Millstreet Town
And though only a few days now from the first of the calendar Spring
The songbirds yet not nesting though they soon will start to sing

Where Everyone Knows Everyone Your Business Not Your Own

Where everyone knows everyone your business not your own
And every thing about you by everyone is known
And even family secrets cannot be kept ahide
From your own small community in the quiet countryside

An Earthly Utopia This Beautiful Place

The long range weather forecast is for warm and sunny and fine
The spotted doves coo in the morning sunshine
In the coastal park the song of the pee wee
In the warmth and quiet of the town by the sea.

In A Place Far Away

A long way from here this far southern shore
From the high fields of Clara by old Claramore
Yet in my flights of fancy I hear the clear rill
Babble through Claraghatlea from it's home by the hill

The True Test Of Love

'Tis true action speaks louder than words can say
And to show our love each of us has our own way
And true love does not die as you grow old and gray
And a gift of flowers does not prove your love on Valentine's Day.

Gerald Mccarthy's Pride

The man who believes he has right on his side
Gerald McCarthy who talks of red jersey pride
But since Cork's finest hurlers for him refuse to play
His sense of right does seem all wrong anyway.

Are You One Of

Are you one of the not so confident people and your own worth you often do doubt
That on the gifts and talents some others are bestowed with you feel you somehow seems to have missed out
But for one to be lacking in self confidence is not such a bad thing at all
In a World of many super confident and arrogant people who in their own small ways are small

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