Francis Duggan Poems

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They Wish For To Keep Me A Stranger

His lover she does look attractive with wavy shoulder length hair of brown
They walk hand in hand in the sunshine along the main street of the town
He wears a tight fitting vest for to display his huge biceps his body language says look at me
Oh to be young healthy and muscular in the prime of life twenty three

The Song Of The Bullfinch

The song of the bullfinch I fancy I hear
He sings in the grove to my thoughts ever near
Not the finest songster of the northern Spring
But who can mistake him for the quiet song he does sing.

Multicultural Warrnambool Town

So many Nationalities and colours of black, white and brown
A multicultural place is old Warrnambool Town
South West Victoria's biggest City by the southern sea
An Earthly Utopia as most would agree

We Are Only Human When All Is Said And Done

We are only human when all is said and done
And it is quite impossible to like everyone
But tell me of one completely free of taint
And you are telling me you know of a living saint

Suppose I Will Be Penning Stuff

What matter for my success or lack of it since I must die anyway
And my biological clock is ticking on I've known a better day
And what use now in any regret since regret is a waste of time
In the many hours I've seemingly wasted in the penning of reams of rhyme

She Comes From The Place

She comes from the place where the green rushes grow
Where the Araglen waters to the Blackwater flow
A beautiful young woman in her life's prime
One might say of her on the right side of time

An Old Man Talks Of The Hopkins

In my youth it flowed clean it was a beautiful waterway
That's what the old Warrnambool local did say
And for human progress he added there is some price to pay
The Hopkins is badly polluted today.

In Nature's There's Beauty

In Nature there's beauty for all to be seen
Her Autumns of brown and her Springs of green
Her Summers of sunshine and beautiful flowers
And her snow capped hills of Winter and her wind driven showers

That Much About Nature

A tiny dark seed to a tall tree can grow
That much about Nature I can claim to know
Her secrets from us she keeps hidden away
Though from her we do learn something new every day.

For One In His Mid Seventies

The years are telling on him his balding head is gray
The old man in his seventies from the Northlands far away
The young man of the sixties his better years long gone
And only his great lust for life itself that keeps him living on.

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