Francis Duggan Poems

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Your Past In Reality

Your past in reality well may be gone
But wherever you go to you it does follow on
The memories of what used to be with us stay
For as long as we live till our last night and day

Tony Abbott He Will Save S

In Australia political change all for the better by the Murdoch media we are told
The Liberal-National Government will take us back to the nineteen fifties to the happy days of old
When all Aussies they were well off no such a thing as poverty
We are heading for the good times happy days for you and me

This Is How It Is For Many

The child born to a homeless mother in life has been born to lose
And to begin life as a pauper anyone would never choose
But thousands of children are born into poverty in the World every day
Without any hope for a good future this does seem so sad to say

Fact Never Lie

Just like poor quality grapes never do make good quality wine
In the top class restaurant the poor one never dine
The poor one lives on the poor side of the town
And only know the ways of the financially down

Robert Burns The Pride Of His Country

He died as a young man when in his life's prime
But his poems and songs have survived the test of time
In death the fame lives of the legendary man
Robert Burns the pride of his Country and Clan

You Are What You Are This Is All

You are what you are this is all you can be
And you in your ways are quite different to me
We do look at life one might say differently
Since on few things we ever do seem to agree

The Town Far Away

On the tall trees by the town far away
The dark rooks are cawing at the twilight of day
With a chill in the breeze in the Fall of the year
The colder and wetter Winter days are near

Look No Further Than Me

You can easily convince yourself that you are not good enough
And you can throw in the towel when you find the going tough
But success does not come to those who for it do not try
And failure awaits you if hope you deny

Cannot Say I Care Much

Cannot say i care much of what the literary dons have to say
Of the women and men of rhyme of today
To them poets do not write in rhythm and rhyme
And such stuff does belong to another time

Of What Used To Be But Will Not

With a wife and two young children he is in the big city for the long stay
The young man from the town by the hill far away
Though he sometimes thinks of his games with the home-town football club
And the enjoyable nights at the weekend with his mates at the pub

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