Francis Duggan Poems

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I'M Not One Without Taint

What goes around comes around some known to say
And for my sins the price I will have to pay
And if for someone you do a good turn today
For that you will be rewarded in some other way

On Seeing Red Rumped Parrots

Ornithologists seldom talk about them and little written of them for to read
Males mostly green with some yellow in their unders and red rumps they search on the ground for their seed
Their common name is red rumped parrot birds one does not see every day
They live in their own small groups inconspicuous in their own quiet way

Big Brother's Social Graders

'Twould seem their duty as citizens is to pigeon hole others to say what social rank one to does belong
To them class distinction is a good thing in it they cannot see any wrong
They scoff at the idea of egalatarianism and in expressing their opinions on others are not shy
But if they so strongly believe in social rank then social rank too to them must apply.

Do Not Ask Me

Do not ask me what is good or not good poetry since to pass judgement on such I am not qualified
That is the job of the paid literary critics in their knowledge of literature they take a great pride
A poet to one to another is a poetaster that's how it is and how it will always be
Though I have my opinions I am not a judge of writers since I do not have a literary degree

The Sights And Sounds Of Nature

I love to hear the rumble of the mighty ocean's roar
As the huge waves wildly crash against the cliff of the foreshore
And I love to hear the skylark carolling upwards as he fly
'Til he becomes a speck of music in the sunny Summer's sky.

They Never Allow For Difference

What others think of you is not your business since you've never harmed another in any way
They only look on you as someone different and respect to difference they could never pay
You do not play sports like golf, tennis or cricket and you do not play or even watch football
With them you seem to have little in common you eat and drink and breathe the same air perhaps that is all.

A Sunny Day In Winter

A sunny day in Winter in the coastal city with the slightest chill of Winter in the breeze
The pale eyed ravens in the parkland cawing and none could mistake the song of the pee wees
So good to be out of doors on such nice Winter weather just five weeks from the first day of the Spring
For to enjoy the sights and sounds of Nature such joy that Nature to so many bring

Hard To Find

You do not play sports or you've not been to war
And from your Hometown you've never travelled far
And you never drink in the local public bar
Though these things could not tell us of the man that you are.

Bush Poets

Of country people and country life they write
And at bush poetry readings their poems they do recite
Their poetry that can be sung as song
To an old school one can say they belong.

It Will Not Matter When

It will not matter when we reach the time
When we will have only memories of our long gone life's prime
For in time all life forms slowly fade away
And even memory goes into decay.

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