Francis Duggan Poems

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Kevin Hickey

Such sad news out of Millstreet Kevin Hickey has passed away
In view of Cashman's Hill in St Mary's his last remains do lay
Born and raised in Dromnahilla he spend many years in the U S A
And Millstreet much the poorer for his passing one can say

A Beautiful November Day

The sun it is shining in the sky blue and gray
So good to be living on this beautiful day
The paddocks and park-lands are looking so green
And the beauty of Spring is everywhere to be seen

The Rabbit Shooters Of Terang

On evenings in Spring and late Summer many a loud bang
Of rabbit shooters guns in the countryside around Terang
There are even more rabbits than people in old Terang Town
Often seen in the backyards between twilight and sundown

To Be Flawed

To be flawed is to be human this applies to all
But any kindness by you to another person is never too small
Since those with the gifts of empathy and compassion are good people indeed
And of more of their sort the Human World is in need

Life Will Go On As Usual

Every day people are born to life and every day people die
But life as usual does go on and politicians lie
And some in their thinking are convinced that they have god on their side
And billions are in poverty in Countries Worldwide

Bill And Katie

Young love does bloom quickly as most would agree
And often as quickly fade is how it seems to be
Bill fancies Katie and she fancies Bill
He would like to ask her on a date and she hopes that he will

On President Trump

Though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote her achievement seems small
Compared to Donald J Trump who is the President elect and the winner takes all
The power and the honor as well as the bulk of the fame
For every winner and loser it is always the same

Not A Very

Since the longest lived human life as time goes not a very long span
You should live for as long as you possibly can
And die when you have to for we all must die
Since the fact is us humans are mortals and fact never lie

All Around Me

A freshening coastal breeze blowing uphill from the bay
Carries with it the pleasant natural aroma of grass mowed for hay
Under the blue and gray clouds of a mid November sky
The swallows with the sun on their dark wings chase insects as they fly

Your Thoughts

You have thousands of thoughts in your mind every day and few of them to others are known
Your thoughts one of the free things in your life and all of your thoughts are your own
Some of your thoughts with others you wish to share and some of them you wish to hide
The thoughts that you do keep to yourself to you are not a sense of pride

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