Francis Duggan Poems

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It Does Take All Kinds It Does Seem

It does take all kinds it does seem this way
Many different sorts of people one does meet every day
The friendly and nice and the sour faced who by life's cares seemed weighted down
It does take all sorts they live in every town

Of Nature We Learn Something New

Of Nature we learn something new every day
We never stop learning as the wise one does say
We may learn of Nature till the day we do die
And yet know little about her this is not a lie

The Me Condition

Their own praises nowadays many only too willing to sing
In the age of the selfie this is the in thing
Millions of images of self and family on face-book nowadays to gratify our sense of pride
The look at me condition gone viral it has spread Worldwide

To Judge Your Work I Am Not Qualified

A modern young poet with literary ambitions some of his poems to me did show
And asked me what i thought of his poetry i told him that i did not know
Whether it is or is not good poetry since i do not have a literary degree
What is very good to some people may not seem at all good to me

Would You Not

Though for most people their dreams in life never come true
We all have our own ambitions for to pursue
But it is better to try than not to try at all
And what to one is a great achievement to another is small

June In Old Mushera

Sunshine in the blue sky the air it is still
A skylark is singing above Mushera Hill
A musical speck in the Summer sky
Up to the cloud World he does sing as he fly

Yarpturk Today

A nice sunny Winter's morning of fifteen degrees
The music from Kathy Baulch's house is floating in the breeze
Across the wide green paddocks of Yarpturk today
How lovely the sound when the tin whistlers play

I Saw A Man

I saw a man over four meters tall
The tallest that i ever can recall
He looked so dark though the sky was semi bright
For it was indeed a starry moonlit night

True Rhymers

Their efforts may quickly fade on the pages of time
The rhymers they never do run out of rhyme
Though one can say of their sort that they had their day
Since so few things in life as they were ever stay

We Do Learn As We Live

In late Autumn when ripe the apples do fall
As is often said time does take care of all
And fallen apples make for a tasty treat
When at their ripest they are nice to eat

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