Francis Duggan Poems

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If Penning Of Doggerel Was A Crime

If penning of doggerel was a crime
I would be serving prison time
And the more judgemental of me might say
We told you so crime doesn't pay.

Ruud And Turnbull

Australia's P M Kevin Ruud and opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull many things in common share
They are very wealthy fellows each of them a millionaire
And neither of them did have a privileged childhood which they like to talk about
Of the facts of their poor boy makes good story they never leave us in doubt.

Parent Ducks Are Feeling Worried

Parents ducks have their young ducklings for to care for and defend
Against crows and magpies and other predators none to them does seem a friend
To the hungry kookaburra they would make a tasty treat
A downy young and tender duckling would be very nice to eat.

Always One Better

You may be quite brilliant at whatever you do
But remember there's always one better than you
The World number 1 as number 1 does not stay
Some one will displace them that's life as some say

Facts Of Life Can Be Hard

'Tis a fact of life and facts of life can be hard
You give some people and inch and they will take a yard
They always do take far more than they are due
That greed begets greed happens for to be true

Whatever Your Name Is

You don't have to tell me I already know
That a currawong is not a kin of a crow
Similar in colour and in size but the comparison ends there
As little in common they do seem to share.

Old Hibernia Again

I may never see old Hibernia again
Or walk in her fields in the wind and the rain
Or in the chilly dawn hear the caw of the gray crow
When the old hill is wearing his cold hat of snow

A Marvellous Morning

The nesting birds singing on bushes and trees
And warmth in the sunshine and warmth in the breeze
And daisies in plenty amidst the short grass to be seen
And the Townpark is looking so healthy and green

I'Ve Said It Before

I've said it before and I'll say it again
Who becomes the next U S President Obama or McCain
It won't matter to me as I live far away
From the White House in Washington in the U S of A

So Many Potential Despots

So many despotic and potentially despotic leaders in the World of today
Suppose with most people in positions of power it is their natural way
To hang on to power at all cost those they perceive as foes they try to eliminate
As well as their rivals for power all their opponents they do hate

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