Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
It Is Out Of Love Of It

It is out of love of it that some people have a market stall
Since on town market day competition is great and profit margins are small
Where to show a small profit is seen as a good day
Than having a market stall there must be an easier way

Poverty Of Mind

You may be materially successful and doing well financially
But if you are narrow in your thinking you suffer of mind poverty
Not generous in your ways it does seem by your own narrow guidelines you do live
You find it so easy to receive but you find it so hard for to give

He Will Not Be Going Back

He will not be going back to the far away town
Where few new businesses open and many close down
Where job opportunities as ever are few
He has moved to better things from the life he once knew

When Sheila Does Speak

When i say my children and grandchildren have known it far easier that i have i only say what is true
But for their achievements in life credit must be their due
Though of opportunities in their young years they were never denied
Their achievements bring to me and my husband great satisfaction and pride

A Very Warm Day

In the blue January sky not a cloud of gray
On this very warm and bright summer's day
In temperatures well over thirty degrees
The white and the brown butterflies dance around the bushes and trees

The Meenkeel Gipsies

As beautiful belly dancers they carve their own renown
In South West Victoria they have danced in every village and town
The famed Meenkeel Gipsies well loved and well known
In Koroit they feel proud to claim them for their own

The Diamond Sisters

Do not know how their name of The Diamond Sisters came about
Though of their great talent there is not a doubt
Despite this two attractive women untainted by conceit
Peter Moynihan's daughters The Pride of Millstreet

He Is As Restless

He is as restless as the ever babbling rill
That flows to the river from the field by the hill
On it's way to the ocean many miles away
A journey that ends at the saltwater bay

Only Memories Of What Was

Perhaps from the place i have been too long away
In the Claraghatlea i was raised in i would be a stranger today
Though many of the people i knew there to the forever gone
Life in the old Town-land as usual goes on

A Blustery Summer's Day

The long billed corellas at the end of a blustery summer's day
Are calling on the high trees in the twilight gray
On an evening quite cool for the time of the year
The soughing of the freshening wind in the tall trees i hear

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