Francis Duggan Poems

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Flor Mcauliffe

Flor McAuliffe was such a nice person he was one who had a good soul
And 'tis sad to think he's gone forever that the farewell bell for him did toll
In Millstreet he will never more be seen and from Murphy's Terrace he is forever gone
But death never said of the image and memories of him will live on.

The Daughter Of Travelling People

It was in the last year of the fifties that I saw her at Millstreet Horse Fair
The daughter of an Irish Traveller one with brown eyes and curly dark hair
Without saddle she rode on her pinto pony she trotted the mare up and down
In hope to catch the eye of a buyer in the Town Square of old Millstreet Town.

Ageing Bella

Ageing Bella in the house at the corner
'Some say she's not right in the head'
She swears that men nowadays are faithless
That all of the good men are dead.

Walter Scott 1771-1832

His poems and his novels today read when most writers of his time are forgot
He was one of Scotland's great writers the marvellous bard Walter Scott
His still popular Waverley Novels have surely stood the test of time
He was one who told a great story and penned many a memorable rhyme.

Before The Baby Learns To Walk

Before the baby learns to walk the baby has to crawl
And every day day we live we learn something new and that applies to all
That is if we are open to learning some minds are closed quite tight
And the dark window to the soul will not allow in light.

Miranda From Geelong

On Saturday evening in the pub she joins in the sing song
The beauty with shoulder length blond hair Miranda from Geelong
In her mid to late twenties blooming in her life's prime
The type of girl who has inspired love poets to song and to rhyme.

A Very Local Person

The ways of the bigger World out there he doesn't even try to understand
His life revolves around work and family, his friends and the local Town Peoples band
In football he takes a slight interest but to watch a game he will not go out of his way
A fellow of limited interests of him it would be fair to say

The Future Belong To The Children

The future belong to the children their best years of them lay ahead
And though for some from humble beginnings life's pathways to glory have led
The children born of wealthy parents in life are advantaged
with a huge head start

Mcdonalds Best

The one who served me in McDonalds a brown haired lass her eyes were blue
To me she did seem very friendly some would say too good to be true
She served me with a happy giggle to such memories one does like to cling
A small wall plate on the wall at McDonalds states a smile doesn't cost one a thing.

She Cannot Be Called A Quitter

She has lived with many men in her time a mother but never a wife
And she knows about the great battles that are part and parcel of life
She has recovered from major heart surgery brought on by a massive heart attack
And she cannot be called a quitter when down she rises and she fights back.

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