Francis Duggan Poems

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Eddie Everywhere

He is a man of many travels in the back of beyond he has been there
Known to some simply as Eddie and to others Eddie Everywhere
One who loves driving and travel he has been there and done that
As he age he is not growing wiser but he is not aging and growing fat

Everyday Of Nature

Of Nature's ways little i can claim to know
Yet my wonder of her ways does never cease to grow
And i learn something of her every day
We learn as we live as the wise person does say

Rhymers Now Are Of The Past

Dead as the petals of last Autumn's rose
Rhyme is as dead as one must suppose
In this the literary age of poetic prose
All rhymers they are writers on the nose

Unsolicited, Unflattering Literary Advice

He advised me your rhyming stuff is not good enough
Quite lacking in finesse and overall rough
Yours will not be remembered as a literary name
Nor you will never know of an enduring fame

A January Night In Millstreet Town

Few cars on the quiet street do pass up and down
On a cold Winter night in old Millstreet Town
The pub doors are locked not a human in sight
On what is a typical January weekday night

For You Like Me

We age and grow old by the day
And young anyone does not stay
Face lifts and anti aging creams may keep age wrinkles at bay
But time on us has the last say

Compared To Many I Am Lucky

Compared to many i am lucky this i must say
Since i have never gone without food not even for a day
And though of my worth as a person i sometimes do doubt
Of any of life's necessities i have never gone without

In Yarpturk Today

The grass growing in the paddocks the color of hay
It is warm and humid in Yarpturk today
A weather high for the afternoon of twenty eight degrees
Without any coolness in the warm freshening breeze

Surely There Must Be

Surely there must be an afterlife hell
For the souls of the corrupted billionaires forever to dwell
The horrible self centered people of greed
Humanity without their sort would be better off indeed

Fr Joe Murphy

Sixty six years a catholic priest many of them spent in Nebraska in the U S of A
Sad news out of Millstreet Co Cork Fr Joe Murphy has passed away
In the old cemetery at the Town's West End his last remains lay
Near where he first looked on the bright lamp of day

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