Francis Duggan Poems

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Seanie Murphy

Seanie died in mid life unexpectedly and young
He was a nice and gentle fellow who had a civil tongue
For his mother Margaret and his siblings and his nephews and nieces this a sorrowed cross
And his many friends too they will grieve at his loss.

Everyone For Him Or Herself

Everyone for him or herself and it's God for us all
Those wise words from my Boyhood years I do recall
The one who told me that he was an old man
One who was in the late twilight of his life span

The Little Country Town

The creek down to a trickle and the paddocks looking brown
And not much ever seems to happen in the Little Country Town
lived in by the descendants of the early settlers who settled here a century ago
Of the bigger World out there few of them wish to know.

I Only Fear The Thought Of Death

I do not fear death 'tis the thought of it I do fear
And of the death of one I know when I read of or hear
I think of my mortality and time on us doesn't wait
For with the dreaded Reaper I too do have a date

You Have Your God

You have your God well that does suit me fine
But your God is so different to mine
The God you pray to you never do see
And my Goddess her beauty surrounds me.

The Moderns

To many reading modern poetry more interesting the meaning in the metaphors they seek to find
They feel it makes their brains work that much harder that it is good exercise for the mind
Rhyme for their great brains seems that bit too simple it does not test their thinking power at all
'Tis not a poem to them if it seems simple and the meaning in it easy to recall,

Brown Paddocks Of Macarthur

Brown paddocks of Macarthur are looking dry and bare
With scarce enough of grass around for to fatten a hare
The sheep are looking scrawny the cattle looking thin
As they stand munching old and dry hay from steel circular hay bin.

Why Take Yourself So Seriously

Why take yourself so seriously of humor you seem broke
I've yet to hear you laugh aloud at the punchline of a joke
And if you forced yourself to smile I fear your face might crack
You are what's known to many as a regular sad sack

Of The Secrets Of Nature

The pollen blown out from the blossoming trees
And the thistledown flying in the freshening breeze
Above the bare paddock wind driven they fly
A good place to take root to them doesn't apply

A Form Of Control

A form of control is all I have to say
To try to change people from their natural way
We took from them their Country take more than we give
And want to control them tell them how to live

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