Francis Duggan Poems

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A January Evening

Though my worth as a rhymer i have reason to doubt
In Nature no shortage of things for me to write rhymes about
The day it is warm the sun it is out
In this beautiful place in the far coastal south

Successful People

I read of and hear of successful people every day
But i ask myself what is success anyway
The wealthy and famous are linked to success
Though the laws of humility they do transgress

The Former Pride Of Macroom

Back in the mid sixties she was in her life's bloom
But where is she today the former Pride of Macroom
I know she left Macroom but did she return to there to stay
Or has she been ageing from there far away

So Many People Dying'

So many people dying in homicides, war zones and acts of terrorism every day
Lack of empathy and compassion the main causes of this one could say
Extremism of any sort is not a good thing
So much suffering, death and grief their sort to humanity does bring

The Stranger

To all of the patrons he was a stranger in the pub in the old country town
Though than they were he was known more widely and his was a greater renown
Yet none of them seemed to know of him as a recognizable face
To them he was just one more stranger a fellow from another place

The Words A Fair Go

Some people in their thinking do seem rather small
Their idea of a fair go does not include all
Those they see as different to them from their circle they exclude
And in some of their ways they seem racist and rude

Ireland Today

It is quite cold today in the wind driven sleet
Where the bravest would not dare for to walk on bare feet
In the wet rushy fields where the waterways meet
Half an hour west if you walk from the Town of Millstreet

Chrissie Mullane

As nice a person as one could wish for to meet
Chrissie of Drominahilla near the Town of Millstreet
For many years she lived at the Priests Cross in Millstreet as the late Pat Mullane's wife
It is so sad to learn that she has lost her gift of life

Bill Boro

Bill Boro a big bloke broad shouldered and tall
beside him most big men physically seem rather small
Dark haired in his mid twenties he lives with his brown haired partner Ann
And their brown haired three years old daughter Emily an easy going fellow Bill is a happy man


Live and let live as the wise one does say
And never harm anyone in any way
In word or deed never drag anyone down
As some are known to do in their quest for renown

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