Francis Duggan Poems

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That Most Humans Crave For Glory

That most humans crave for glory is surely not a lie
And though you well may love your Country for your Country why should you die
Since dead heroes like dead cowards cannot help their Country in any way
Whilst alive you can help your Country even though you look old and gray

Eileen O Keeffe

Such a beautiful person her likes rare and seldom seen
And sad to think that she has gone for forever more from her old home in Dooneen
Eileen O Keeffe was a role model to her big family and in life she made many a friend
But the life journey for all of us one night or day must end.

Christmas Day In Koroit 2013

Christmas Day in south west Victoria and few cars pass up and down
On Commercial Road the main street of quiet old Koroit Town
The shops and pubs closed for the day perhaps the quietest of the year
On a day that is warm and sunny the sky is blue and clear

I Am Just An Amateur Rhymer

I am just an amateur rhymer and at that not well known
But i can say in truth that my rhymes are my own
To the twelve thousand plus i have written i add more every day
Addicted to rhyming it does seem this way

The Beautiful People

I am lucky in life it does seem this way
With the beautiful people i meet every day
Though the World of their type is in need of far more
My faith in humanity they help to restore

The Old Barwon River

Generations of people to life have come to and from life have gone
But the old Barwon waters to the ocean flows on
The river that has inspired song, story and rhyme
That has flowed to the Pacific through the centuries of time

So Try To Live Happy And Make The Most Of The Now

From past experience it is said lessons in life we do gain
But only the memories of what was with us does remain
Tomorrow is coming and yesterday has gone
And we live in the now and time is ticking on

I Only Can Look Up To Him The Better Man Than Me

A good side to everyone he only seems to see
I like him for his non judgmental ways the better man than me
I have never heard him in his words put anybody down
A credit to his neighborhood and to his side of the town

It Is Cold Today In Duhallow

In the gray fogs of rain Clara hidden away
It is cold in the fields west of Millstreet today
The streams bank high to the river in brown flood waters flow
And the cold wind is soughing in the naked hedgerow

The Brown Hills Of South Gippsland

The brown hills of South Gippsland from me may seem far away
But in fancy i do visit them every day
And i hear the birds sing in the bushes and trees
In the cool of the day in the freshening breeze

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