Francis Duggan Poems

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Stawell In Victoria

For it's famed Easter Gift it is in renown
Stawell in Victoria is a grand old Town
Such warm and friendly people there every visitor meet
A smiling hello for you on every street

A Fair Go

A fair go to everyone ought to apply
Though those with power such a thing of many deny
One reason there are millions of refugees
Living in camps and risking their lives on leaky boats for lands across rough seas

The True Sportsman

The athlete with the big smile on his face
Although he did not run well in the race
And failed to finish among the top three
Says the others ran a better race than me

Ann Cronin

So humble and gentle and free of conceit
She was one of the nicest people of Millstreet
So sad for to learn Ann Cronin has passed away
In the quietness of St Mary's she is at peace today

Old Roger

He looks fit and healthy for one of eighty three
Old Roger of cares and of worries is free
He never had children or a long term partner or never a wife
Though a few women have come to and gone from his life

A Decorated Soldier

A decorated soldier of war under gunfire he was brave
But he carried his grudges with him to his grave
His war enemies of the past he could never forgive
A war hero his grudges he did not outlive

If Love And Compassion Ruled The World

If love and compassion ruled the World how great this would be
There would not be war and hatred and there would not be poverty
People would be kind to each other and live in harmony
And in a World of friends one would not have an enemy

The Best I

An ordinary fellow is best to describe me
But the rhymes in my brain they are ever flowing free
But never for money or literary renown
Only for enjoyment and pleasure in notebook i pen them down

Te President Is Dead

The President is dead the living breath from him gone
But life in the World without him goes on
One mourned by the masses but as is said
All of the tears in the World does not wake the dead

The Son Of The Wife Beater

The man whose young son watches as he beats the boy's mother his partner or wife
Is not setting a good example for his child in life
The boy may well be a wife or partner beater on some future day
Since we learn from our mentors us humans are this way

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