Francis Duggan Poems

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Castlemaine On An October Evening

In and around Castlemaine that is often so brown and so dry
Where beauty and greenery today meets the eye
On this the thirteenth of October two thousand and sixteen
I have never seen central Victoria so green

So Many Of

So many of life with sad stories to tell
Of battling the odds in their own Earthly Hell
So many Homeless and Stateless and hungry and sleeping rough at night
For millions of people life is an uphill fight

Before The Human Being Walks

Before the human being walks the human being must learn how to crawl
And from baby to toddler there is many a fall
We do learn as we live until our dying day
And we never stop learning it does seem this way

Ben And Jill

Jill in her twenties says she likes men
To be well built and muscular like her neighbor Ben
The new age feminine types are not for her
The real looking men are the sort she prefer

We All End Up

The Stateless and the homeless the alcoholics and the drug abusers
Are all equal to the billionaire at life's journeys end since we all end up as losers
The Reaper of lives who claims the lives of everyone is the great equalizer
Though many grow greedier in their minds with age and too few do grow wiser

Claraghatlea Where I Was Born

Claraghatlea where i was born far north of here and far away
Where i did spend most of my childhood and first looked on the light of day
Where today to most people i would be a stranger many there would not know me
Where i was known to everybody in the long gone used to be

Since You Have Not

Since you have not harmed them in any way
Why worry if unkind things others of you do say
The judgmental till death as judgmental do stay
Just leave them to Karma their sins for to pay

Mt Franklin

From the nearest Towns Guildford and Daylesford more than shouting distance away
Mt Franklin a nice place for a camping holiday
Surrounded by trees on the higher ground
Where the beauty of Nature in all Seasons abound

They Have To Think

They have to think my heart is made of wood
Those who dismiss my rhyming efforts as no good
To be made to feel unworthy of literary criticism for any writer is not nice
But suppose most things in life on them do have some price

A Lot To Desire

The impressionable masses you may well impress
And in their thinking you are a great success
But majority thinking does not always have it right
Since many into materialism seem lacking on insight

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