Francis Duggan Poems

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Those Who Live For Self Only

Those who believe there is not more to life than living for me, myself and i
Are people who do believe in their own lie
Narcissistic in their thinking and self centered indeed
The World of more of their sort is not in need

Only A Fallacy

It is said you receive from life what is only your due
But many people with justification could tell you this is not true
The people born of poor parents who only know of poverty
With such a saying about life would never agree

Bob Hawke

Born in Bordertown a Town in south Australia's countryside
Australia's twenty third Prime Minister recently died
On his eighty ninth year he lived a long life
Survived by Blanche Dal'puget his second wife

As You Think That You Are

On the ladder of success you may have climbed far
But you are not as great as you think that you are
To the summit of success you are far from the top
And it is harder to climb than it is for to drop

Bad Leaders And Good Leaders

Bad leaders people do only divide
And plenty of their sort nowadays Worldwide
They do use their power in a negative way
With their sort it is always do as i say

Lucky In

I am lucky in life in truth i can say
In the beauty i see around me every day
The beauty i do not have to pay to see
That wherever i turn to look is around me

Bored John

Quite bored and feeling sad in his way of life
Not happy with his demanding adult children and his overbearing wife
A grandfather in his mid fifties Bored John his nickname
For his prolonged dark moods The whole World he does blame

Abit Of A Difference

There is a bit of a difference between good and great
Though in some ways to each other they does relate
And there is a bit of a difference between friend and mate
And there is also a difference between Nation and state

The Death Of Turner

Turned the dark brindled stag-hound of years only two
To hunt and kill wildlife he was bred to do
And what stag-hounds are good at Turner was too
But unfortunately he chased and caught and killed a protected species a kangaroo

The Salmon Are Swimming Upriver

The salmon are swimming upriver in the cold gray damp of the dawn
To the gravel beds of the rapids to dig out their spawning beds to spawn
November is their breeding season in the cold and wet Northern Fall
When yesterday's flood is subsiding they are answering to Nature's call.

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