Francis Duggan Poems

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It Seems Like Only Yesterday

The years go by too quickly and old age comes too soon
For it seems like only yesterday when I heard the angelus bell at noon
Ring in the church at Millstreet and on a storm free day
It's peals heard in the quiet fields up to a mile away.

The Billionaire's Daughter

The billionaire's daughter she looks rather plain
But that she is not short of suitors is not hard to explain
For many young males hearts do not rule their head
And money speaks every language as it has been said.

His Side Of The Story

He said he feels so disappointed since she swore before God in the church
That till death she would love and stay with him and never leave him in the lurch
But after ten years of marriage she left him and took their eight and nine years old daughter and son
And though he feels so sad and hard done by I do suppose what's done is done.

A Pleasant Autumn Day

A pleasant Autumn day of wind and sunshine
And yellow leaves depart their trees and fall
To Mother Earth who silently receives them
And wattlebirds on flowering gum trees call.

Life The Greatest Gift

Life is your greatest gift in truth one can say
Feel happy you have woke for to greet a new day
Though luck it is not on your side of late
And in your life you have nothing to celebrate

In Your Private Moments

In your private moments have you ever wept for the past
For the good days for you that did not seem to last
Your legs wearied by time can no longer walk fast
And nowadays the clouds of your mind at most times overcast

Familiar To Many

Mud nesting birds everyday i hear and see
Medium sized black and white they do sing regularly
They build cup shaped nest of mud on fork high on branch of tree
They are known as mudlarks or magpie larks and many call them pee wee

At Life's Journey's End

In humanity no such a thing as a superior breed
Since red is the blood we all shed when we bleed
We are all born as mortals and all mortals do die
The same for the wealthy celebrities as for you and i

A Day In Late August

I am one lucky person in truth i can say
In the beauty i see around me very day
The flora and fauna i do not pay to see
The beauty in Nature everywhere around me

Amazing Australia

An amazing Country for to drive about
Australia the beautiful Land of the south
It's amazing colours of brown, green and gray
Vary from place to place as you drive on the highway

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