Francis Duggan Poems

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Too Much Information

Too much information at one time is not a good thing
Confusion to the mind it only does bring
To absorb information the brain does need time
Otherwise it becomes like poorly written rhyme

The Past May Be Gone But The Memories Remain

I may never see old Finnow again
Flowing bank high in the old fields swollen by heavy rain
And in Spring in the field where the tall rushes grow
Well hidden from view hear the cock pheasant crow

The Odds Stacked Against Him

The odds stacked against him but he battles on
He believes that his toughest times in life have gone
One of the homeless unemployed of the poor side of the town
Who knows what it is like to be financially down

I Just Want To Live For As Long As I Can

Cigarettes and alcohol kills the body and drugs destroy the mind
And staring at the full sun can render you as blind
If old age does not claim you some other ailment will
And even for your funeral someone else will pay the bill

Money Cannot Buy One Happiness

The wealthy and the famous their lives are not their own
For everyone knows their business this is what comes with being well known
The celebrities may be in the news and by many admired
But some of them yearn for their privacy and of their fame grow tired

Are You One Who Does Know

Are you one who does know of the dark moods of despair
And have come to realize life to some is not always fair
And on your worst days give some thought to suicide
But love of life is never easily denied

His Daydream

His daydream in show-business was to go far
A sensation on Broadway a celebrated movie star
Famous in every Country with millions of fans Worldwide
A super star in his twenties with time on his side

The Past Does Live On

I thought i had put the past behind me but thought again has proved me wrong
For wherever i travel to with me it goes along
The friends of my younger years in memory with me today
Though some of them are where the deceased now does lay

His Kind Familiar To Many

On this one of the coldest days of the year
The song of the magpies a joy for to hear
Warbling on a wattle to where i am standing near
Their familiar music melodious and clear

You May Live

You may live in London, New York, Paris or Rome
But always for you there's a place they call home
The place where you first looked on the light of day
Though from where you now live this might be far away

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