Francis Duggan Poems

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Like Many I Have Known

Like many i have known of my good days and bad
And i know what it is like to be happy and sad
And though physically my better days in the long gone
I am one who does love life and i want to live on

My Journey In Life Does Not Lead To Renown

My journey in life does not lead to renown
A long way south of Claraghatlea and Millstreet Town
In south west Victoria in the Autumn of my life span
Far from the place where i grew into a man

Perhaps I Will Never Come To Understand

Perhaps i will never come to understand
The wars about God and the wars about Land
From death in war zones heroes are made
And from history war memories are not allowed to fade


The hair on his balding head is silver gray
Marco the Croatian was seventy six yesterday
Last night at the local pub with his mates he did celebrate
They drank and made merry and did party till late

Tony Abbott And Scott Morrison

Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison Them i should not judge
Since they have not wronged me in any way to against them to hold a grudge
Though since a fair go to poor refugees they have chosen to deny
The judgements of others to them does apply

Compared To Many My Biggest Worry Seems Small

Compared to many my biggest worry seems small
In life i have not known of much hardship at all
I have never been Homeless or Stateless as so many are
To meet worse off than me one would not have to walk far

In A Human World Where People

In a Human World where people do compete for wealth and for fame
For everyone sometime it comes to the same
For the famous and non famous there is a last night and day
Death is the great equalizer it has always been this way

The Young Rose Of Koroit

Her wavy shoulder length hair a light chestnut brown
The charming dark eyed beauty of old Koroit Town
With a beautiful smile and free of conceit
As nice a person as one could wish for to meet

Billy Coleman Of Minor Row

In motor rallying he drove his way into Worldwide renown
Billy Coleman of Minor Row in Millstreet Town
One of the World's great rally drivers in his life's prime
Though this is going back many Seasons in time

Old Jacky From Geelong

Old Jacky he has worked in many a town
And many a street he has walked up and down
Since he left Geelong when he was nineteen
He has done lots of traveling and many places has seen

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