Francis Duggan Poems

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Ross A

Among the south western sculptors one to the fore
Ross A in his opinions is one hard to ignore
He says the World's greatest thinkers are often proven wrong
On the side of theory he is one who belong

It Is Only The Fear

With each passing day my life's journey's end near
But like most it is only the fear of dying that i do fear
But fear does not keep the life's Reaper away
And the young and the old are dying every day

Your Past Goes Along

As long as your gift of memory remains healthy and strong
Wherever you go to your past goes along
And for as long as you live with you it will stay
It will be with you until your last night and day

In Mushera Today

From the overnight frost the high fields looking gray
You will not get a suntan in Mushera today
The air is so cold from the overnight freeze
And the weather temperature down below zero degrees

Death Makes Them The Same

You will not find any money where dead people lay
You cannot take it with you as the wise one does say
In the dark grave in the ground far from the noisy crowd
There are not any cash pockets in the burial shroud

Your Love Of Place

For some it is not a love of Country but a love of Place
Where theirs is a loved and a familiar face
Without any desire for to live elsewhere
In some city or town in the big World out there

A January Day

It is warm today over thirty degrees
And warmth in the sunshine and warmth in the breeze
That blow across the bare dry paddocks from the nearby bay
In the clear blue sky just a few clouds of gray

Why This Should Be

There are many talented people in every village and city and town
Who live and will die as strangers to renown
Since those who get rewarded and recognized for their talents are only of the few
On this i am not saying anything that is new

A Great

In her late seventies or early eighties maybe
She is one i know but often does not see
Her shoulder length wavy hair is silver gray
She must have been a rare beauty on her day

My Journey Far South

My journey far south did not lead me to wealth and renown
And though i may never again see the lights of Millstreet Town
Or Claraghatlea where i first saw the light of day
In distance from there i do live far away

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