Francis Duggan Poems

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Nature Lives By Her Own Laws

That Nature lives by her own laws happens to be true
And she can be quite destructive for to give to her what is her due
In her storms and fires, flooding and earthquakes she has wrecked many a town
And great human constructed buildings she has brought down

The Praises Of Happiness

When you are in a good mood to strangers you even say
Good morning, good evening, good night or good day
Happiness can be quite an infectious thing
That friendliness creates friendliness seems a human thing

The Clock On Our Lives Ever Ticking Away

The clock on our lives ever ticking away
The babies born yesterday are one day nearer their lives journey's end today
Us humans are mortals like all other life forms why otherwise pretend
Even for the wealthiest of the wealthy life's journey must end

John Joe Forde

For John Joe Forde in Dereen in Millstreet the journey in life began
And there from a boy he grew into a man
As a boy in the nineteen fifties when his hair was dark brown
He attended the old Primary School in Millstreet Town

One Of The Humble Successful

For as long as your success does not cause you conceit
And you do not ignore your friend and neighbors when them you do meet
And remain as you were before you knew of wealth and fame
And treat everyone rich and poor as the same

Indeed A Marvelous Thing

I am one who live far from my first home place and i have been in many a town
And i have known of and worked with many races of all shades of black, white and brown
Only to find in all races there are good and bad people this much i have come to realize
Though different in culture and creed and color our similarities in most ways should not come as a surprise

Kathleen Murphy

Her name was Kathleen Murphy before she became Brendan Murphy's wife
And in Millstreet in Duhallow she spent most of her life
A mother and grandmother though she was not old in years
And among her friends and family her passing did give rise to tears

I Fear Death

I do not believe in the hereafter one reason that i do fear death
One reason i wish to keep living and that i will fight for my final breath
I do not believe post bodily death that the soul has wings to fly
To the paradise of the God people believe in a World somewhere beyond the sky

So Many Poor

So many poor people in the World of today
They only know of life in the hard way
As victims of famine and war refugees
They live with their nightmares of bad memories

Have You Ever Wondered In Moments Of Self Doubt

Have you ever wondered in moments of self doubt
What reason for living and what is life about
Some may call this negative thinking but negativity
Is never far distant from reality

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