Francis Duggan Poems

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The Past As Is Said

The past as is said in the forever gone
We live in the now and time keeps ticking on
Tomorrow will dawn but not for everyone
And a mother will give birth to a daughter or son

In Early September

In early September near the prime of the Spring
The nesting wild songbirds chirp, whistle and sing
In cool enough weather of a high fifteen degrees
Of sporadic sunshine and rain in the breeze

Christina Noble

Despite a childhood of poverty, rape and violence she would not accept defeat
The amazing Christina Noble by life refused for to be beat
She spent much of her childhood in an orphanage in Dublin and as homeless on the street
But as her surname suggests with nobility life's toughest challenges she did meet

Nancy Mclean

In the grave where her husband lay
Nancy McLean was put to earth today
In Koroit never to be seen in the flesh again
But good memories are sure to remain

Where The Araglen

Behind the gray clouds the sun hidden away
The rain drizzling down on Duhallow today
On a silver birch tree a silver backed crow
Is cawing in a field near where the Araglen flow

So Little Of

So little of life's ways of i can claim to know
And of material things for my years i have little to show
But we learn as we live as the wise one does say
With me anyhow it does seem this way

For Your Gift Of Memory

For as long as the gift of memory you retain
Memories of your past with you will remain
Memory the only link from the past that does remain strong
It even can come to you in the words of a song

The Black Cows Are Bellowing

Though not short of grass and not in need of hay
The black cows have been bellowing all of last night and today
Just displaying their sorrow of them one can say
Since from them the farmer has taken their calves away

I Am Not

I am not that well known a fellow nor neither do i wish to be
Cannot boast of a professional career or a good education that comes with a uni degree
Like many just one who loves Nature and the beauty that is all around me
And i too can only marvel at the natural beauty everyday i do see

I Am Not That Well Known

I am not that well known a fellow nor neither do i wish to be
Cannot boast of a professional career or a good education that comes with a uni degree
Like many just one who loves Nature and the beauty that is all around me
And i too can only marvel at the natural beauty everyday i do see

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