Francis Duggan Poems

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When The Salmon Swim Upstream

No bird sings in the frosty dawn
When the salmon swim upstream to spawn
And the frosted fields are looking gray
Though expect that for November some say.

Of What Others Think Of Me

I do not care what those who know of me about me have to say
Or if they see me as a stranger to success
Since I do not harm anybody and do things my own way
And all I ask of life is happiness.

Modern Poets And Modern Poetry

Modern poets and modern poetry seem far too complex to understand
For such as I a common labourer from the boglands of Ireland
Though whether it be good or not so it is not for me to say
As I'm not a poetry critic and so I'll keep my tongue at bay.

Jack Gleeson's Kelpie

Though little information on him in which to read
Jack Gleeson a young stockman founded the kelpie working breed
Of dog in Casterton in Victoria in eighteen seventy one
They rival the border collies as farm dogs next to none.

Those Cruel To Animals

Those cruel to animals can be cruel to people they find their pleasure on inflicting pain
For cruelty to the cruel is a power thing gratification from seeing their victims suffer they gain
Cruel people they have lost their human compassion the window to their soul shaded to light
They even are bordering on the psychotic in distinguishing on what is wrong from right,

We Reap What We Sow

The writers of it write and the singers of it sing
The great gift of life is a marvellous thing
So precious and beautiful yet so sad to say
That some soul damaged people from others take their gift of life from them away

A Good Person

A good person may never be a hero or heroine of the town
But in word or deed never puts anyone down
And to help one in need of helping go out of her or his way
Without needing recognition or money for pay

We Keep On Learning

It is said of wonders they never cease for to grow
The more you learn the less you know you know
About life and what living life is about
So lucky the one who has never known of self doubt

Cruel Meglomaniacal Leaders

Anyone who does speak against them are forced for to flee
Beyond their homeland borders to the life of a refugee
Cruel meglomaniacal leaders of oppressive regimes who impose poverty
On their people beyond themselves they cannot see

Cell Phone Addiction

In some forms of twenty first century technology for Nature's beauty no win
Than the people and life around him his cell phone he was more interested in
Too busily enamored in the phone to even glance my way
On strangers to him he would not waste a good day

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