Francis Duggan Poems

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Every Human Life Is Priceless

Every human life is priceless so said Edgar Allan Poe
The great poet from the U.S.A. a few centuries ago
But since he lived on this Planet so many have died in wars or met with foul play
Perhaps even as many as have died in the natural way.

Only The Brave One

Only the brave one can smile though not winning only the brave are gracious in defeat
Only the brave one though seen as successful never does show any sign of conceit
If for some reason from the Queen you do not accept a knighthood that does not prove lack of grace on your part
That only proves that you are a good person that you are one who does follow your heart

The Boxing Day Test

At the M C G in Melbourne on Boxing day
In the 07 test cricket series Australia and India play
This is a tradition the Melbourne Boxing day test
Where only the best in the World play the best

Boys Will Behave Like Boys

You've often heard the saying boys will behave like boys
And some boys never grow up or never do grow wise
And some even Elected to the highest office in the Land
And why give a boy a man's job I will never understand?

Hatred Is A Wasted Energy

It is a wasted energy the thing that's known as hate
With it health problems for yourself you even can create
It can land you in trouble with the law when it leads to serious crime
And because of it you waste the best years of your life serving out prison time

Arrogant Men

A lack of respect for others to arrogance give rise
And though all men grow old sometime few do grow wise
And arrogant men by the harsh things they do say
Of others give rise to the us against they

Everyone For Themselves And God For Us All

Everyone for themselves and God for us all
One of the more cynical sayings that I can recall
Often used by the self centred in their promotion of greed
Their idea if you do help out others in life you won't succeed

As Lucky As Lucky Can Be

By circumstance of birth I am lucky I am lucky as lucky can be
I could have been born to poor parents and I could have been a refugee
To the lady of luck I feel grateful she always has been kind to me
I've never known homelessness and hunger and I've never known poverty

Johnny's Irish Grandmother

His Irish grandmother she told him of her childhood she grew up in the days of the Black and Tan
And her father was an Irish freedom fighter and by the British was a wanted man
She was fifteen when the civil war was raging when Irishmen against each other fought
A civil war that was caused by partition and death and sorrow to old Ireland brought.

In The Night Air

Hundreds of small moths around the orange street light fly
And a boobook owl calls on moonlit trees nearby
And the sounds of the night are around everywhere
And how pleasant to walk out in the cool night air.

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