Francis Duggan Poems

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To Each Their Own

The hobby golfer goes on a golfing week end and with his mates the eighteen holes he play
And the football fan he goes to watch his team play and if they win it helps to make his day
And the horse lover rides upon her pony along the bush track
fringed by rough grass overgrown

Where Only Saltbush Grow

From the Victorian border through the Coorong a country in decay
And the salt pans of South Australia are growing by the day
You won't find many animals where only saltbush grow
And in the streams and rivers salt off the paddocks flow.

I Left Duhallow But Duhallow Followed

I left Duhallow but Duhallow followed
And the Boggeragh hills are never far away
In Finnow pools the trout for flies are jumping
And I see the cross on Clara every day.

This Story Too Small (1998)

We hear a lot of late about Bill Clinton
Of his infedilities to Hilary his wife
And though scandals of the famous sell newspapers
There are far more important things in life.

To Dad

He stood by us when mum this life departed and we always had great respect for dad
To my siblings and I he was a role model the best role model that I've ever had
And if there's a heaven he is surely up there and I fancy that he often still looks down
On those green old fields he often used to work in at Claraghatlea just west of Millstreet Town.

A Dream Of Damnation

St Peter spoke he said to me ah well
So you are one of those who wrote all doggerel
Old Satan is tolling damnation's bell
You take the road downhill it leads to hell.

I Wish You'D Only Tell Me

I wish you'd only tell me that I look old and gray
That I am one of those blokes who has seen a better day
With a big smirk upon your face you say how young I look
To lie to you comes easy but I read you like a book.

Donal Brady

It was April and the days were growing long
And every bird that could sing was in song
But Donal Brady's eyes were full of tears
As he sat by the lonely moorland mere.

Of Late This Life

Of late this life has not been good to me
But now I feel much better I feel free
Of stress that eat my happiness away
And I've not felt as good as this for many a day.

Four Seasons In One Day

Yesterday it was twenty degrees or so
And this morning it feels cold enough to snow
But Melbourne weather known to be that way
The place you get four Seasons in one day.

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