Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
An Over Inflated Ego

An over inflated ego for it's owner is not a good thing
Those who suffer of such an addiction their own praises only do sing
Life as such does revolve around them enamored in their own success
Any interest in others than self they never do seem to express

So Lucky Indeed Are They

So lucky indeed are they who are not greedy who with what they have got feel quite satisfied
Who never do wish they were wealthy and famous and by luck in any feel they have never been denied
They feel privileged they have enough for to comfortably live on and poverty never did have to endure
They never do envy others their successes and feel happy to live as financially secure

Mrs C

Whenever i meet her she is always smiling in a surly mood her i have yet for to see
Happiness does always seem to be with her The happy go lucky bubbly Mrs C
With two very pretty brown haired little daughters the eldest is five and the youngest is three
Her husband he is a quiet sort of a fellow to her he is different as different as can be

John Coleman The Man

John Coleman the man who played rugby and with Cork and Millstreet played Gaelic football
By many today he is remembered as the man who made big men seem small
In seventy three with Cork he won an All Ireland along with fellow Clubmen Con Hartnett, Humphrey Kelleher and Denis Long
They became heroes of Cork County and were honoured in story and song

Kanturk In Late January

In the depths of Winter far north in Duhallow old Allow River in flood waters of brown
In the bare fields it rushes on bank high towards the Blackwater and through Kanturk Town
Late January cold and wet in Duhallow when the old Boggeraghs wear their hats of snow
In the bare trees the winter gales howling down from the northern mountains they do blow

I Do Stand For Something

My achievements in life compared to most others may seem small
But i do stand for something and that is a fair go for all
Of people of all Races of white, black and brown
Color, race or creed or gender should not be for anyone a barrier to renown

Goodbye Denis Reardon

A magazine that by Millstreet and Duhallow migrants was read Worldwide
It is so sad to learn that The Clara News has died
The editor Denis Reardon his last editorial is to write
For future news from the Millstreet Parish refer to the Milltsreet web site

Far South

Far south of the road from Millstreet to Rathmore
Thousands of sky miles south of Hibernia's shore
Under a blue Summer sky with just a few clouds of gray
The silver billed magpie is singing today

An Ordinary Rhymer Is All

I never refer to myself as a poet
Nor should i be one worthy of literary note
Though i am one of those who has penned heaps of rhyme
In four decades of rhyming that is going back in time

None Quite So Great

Since to be one of a tribe he has never shown the desire
He is one that most do find hard to admire
Like a bird without a flock he is one on his own
And apart from all others in his ways he has grown

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