Francis Duggan Poems

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Far North Of Koroit Town

Far north of Koroit Town where i live today
In sky miles near twenty thousand kilometers away
The old fields by Millstreet Town made lush by Spring showers
Are looking resplendent in their Nature's flowers

As Success Goes

As success goes the judgemental would say i have not done well
But i have my own little rhyme stories to tell
Of people imaginary or people i know or have known
But the rhymes i do write they are all of my own


Her shoulder length wavy hair is as dark as the wing of a crow
The girl from Echuca where the brown Murray flow
Of it's long winding journey of three hundred kilometers or more
That ends in South Australia at the Pacific shore

As Long As What They Say Of Me

As long as what they say of me is true that with me is fine
Since what others say of me is no business of mine
Since i live in my own way and do my own thing
And it bothers me none if none my praises do sing

Far More To Australia

Why so many young people wish to migrate to Australia one can understand
There is so much to like about in this vast sunny southern Land
With an oral human history in time very old
There is far more to Australia than in written history has been told

With Your Success

With your successes in life do not get carried away
Since there are more than enough of egotistical people in the Human World of today
You do seem to feel superior to others of late
Perhaps from too many people telling you that you are great

The Song Of The Robin I Fancy I Hear

The past though long gone to my thoughts ever near
The song of the robin i fancy i hear
He sings in the leafy grove at the gray dawn of day
His is a well known and familiar voice of the May

On The Passing Of John Joe Dineen

In Rathduane, Ballydaly, Rathmore and Millstreet Town never more to be seen
So sad to learn of the passing of John Joe Dineen
A likeable sort of character in his own way
Perhaps in his sixties he lived his last night and day

From A High Field By Clara

From a high field by Clara it babbles downhill
With a silver tongue that is never still
Down to Claraghatlea it flows with a will
The waterway known to some as the Claramore Rill

The Wisdom In His Words

A wise old fellow once told me one who ought to know
That from little worries big worries do grow
So live to be happy and enjoy a few laughs every day
Happy people live longer it does seem this way

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