Francis Duggan Poems

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He Is From The Bare Brown Lands

He is from the bare brown lands where the salt bush grow
Where old Murray River towards the Pacific crawls slow
Since he left Tailem Bend he has traveled far and wide
And has shorn in many a hot shearing shed in the brown outback countryside

My View On Life

My views on life to me alone only count
To others to nothing they seem to amount
My rhymes may be many but my readers are few
Though many of my sort and this is nothing new


To the holier than thou in their judgmental way
Homophobia is always one of their fear words of the day
To them all non heterosexual people have in them something wrong
And to human society they ought not belong

The Honorable And Devoted Man

On the last time i was in Hawkesdale the sun was going down
In a pale red towards the west of the old country Town
An old man out walking the years had left stooped and gray
Stopped for a brief chat and to wish me good day

Young Tim

It is not of fans or followers one of does read
But of the people who are born to lead
And young Tim does not lead or the praises of others does not sing
A carefree chap he just does his own thing

John Tarrant Was A Man Who Did Love Life

Sadly missed by his family and his many friends and especially by Eileen his lovely wife
John Tarrant was a man who did love life
It can be truly said of him he was a good man
And he did make the very most of his life span

Since In Four Decades Of Rhyming

Since in four decades of rhyming reams of rhymes i have written
By the doggerel bug i must have been bitten
Even before my decaying flesh in my grave will be rotten
The rhymes i have written like me will be forgotten

At The Ambassador Hotel

It has been forty five years since the great man fell
Under a hail of gunfire at the Ambassador Hotel
In a black day for California and the U S of A
For centuries of post bodily death fame the price can be huge to pay

It Is Nice To Be Nice With Those Words I Agree

On the way we treat others we do have a choice
In the words of the wise one it is nice to be nice
A smile and a cheerful hello does not cost one a thing
And a moment of happiness to someone does bring

That Some Take Human Life Cheaply

Moses Fifth Commandment some do not choose to obey
Since human beings are being murdered by their own kind every day
At the hands of their own kind dying in the foulest way
That some do take human life cheaply does seem sad to say

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