Francis Duggan Poems

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On The Goddess Of Nature

So many years I've known her yet so little of her know
Yet my love for her does not lessen it only seems to grow
Amazing Mother Nature her beauty everywhere
The Goddess of this Planet Earth none with her to compare

The Mob

The mob are out there baying for blood though for his crimes he'll pay
He would not receive a fair trial if they did have their way
They would hang him from the nearest tree and leave him there to die
We do not need the injustice of the mob and that is not a lie


With their strong beaks for their dark seeds they shred pine cones the yellow tail black cockatoos
The huge dark brown parrots of the mountains that some refer to as weerloos
From the calls they make in communication especially whilst they are in flight
To see them in small flocks is a thing of beauty and makes for a spectacular sight

How Can One Admire One Like Him

How can one admire those who prosper on others financial pain
And they even boast in public of their ill gotten gain
To prey upon the vulnerable that hardly does seem fair
Amongst 'the haves' of every town many a tainted millionaire

I Know Every Doggerel I Do Pen

I know every doggerel I do pen is one doggerel nearer to my last
And I know the years on me are telling that my better days are in the past
But why worry for what never can be and why pine for what has long gone
The love of life is what should matter and the will to keep on keeping on

In Five Thousand Years From Now

What sort of life forms will exist in this World in five thousand years from now
Will it be a long forgotten sound the bellowing of a cow?
Will Humankind still exist or have gone the way of time?
Just like the long extinct dodo or just like the death of rhyme.

You Say I Am Hell Bound

You say I am hell bound well that suits me fine
Save your own soul mister you cannot save mine
You waffle on to me of the judgement day
If this be so for my own sins I must pay,

I Cannot Boast

I cannot boast of any achievements far south of Hibernia's shore
Far south of Millstreet and Ballydaly and the roadway to Rathmore
Only getting old and grayer little else from life to show
I'm not better off or wiser than I was decades ago.

As A Young Man

As a young man as a writer of success I did daydream
And I sang of the white breasted dipper who used to sing in the stream
That by the grove near my old home to the river did flow
When youth and time was on my side some three decades ago.

A Story To Tell

For many so many life is Earthly hell
But everyone does have a story to tell
Of their life journeys and of their dreams of fame
And any two stories not exactly the same

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