Francis Duggan Poems

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Mary Hickie

How are things with Mary Hickie the brighter self she does show
She is one i do remember who is blessed of the inner glow
Quite a charming woman and one free of conceit
In her a huge loss to Kerry a huge gain to Millstreet

On Steal Away

Every time i do hear the song Steal Away
I go back in time to a long gone bygone day
When i left my first home without to anyone saying goodbye
At the start of a journey far south by sea and then sky

Those Of The Lesser God

For the social outsiders the poor and the down trod
And the homeless and the refugees there is a lesser god
And though the babe born to wealthy parents and the babe born into poverty before they walk must crawl
The god for the materially privileged is not the god for all

Russell Thomas

In the Moyne Shire and Warrnambool to many he is known
But in Port fairy they claim Russell for their own
In his years as a teacher there many pupils to better things he has inspired
And there he is one who is greatly admired

A Known To Be A Respectable Family Man

A known to be a respectable family man the multi millionaire
Who with his family and wife in church do kneel in prayer
It is by people like him many are inspired
A pillar of his community and greatly admired

Time The Great Healer

Have you ever felt to one place you do not belong
Though your love for your first home it once was quite strong
That absence makes the heart grow fonder in you works in this way
You do not feel nostalgia for your first home place today


A beautiful evening in early February
In Moyjil overlooking the Pacific sea
To the descendants of the Dreamtime of the Jundijtmara race
Moyjil is and will always be a sacred place

Of Happy People Everyone Do Wish To Know

I feel lucky in life in truth i can say
In the nice and kind people i meet every day
Though strangers to me they greet me as friend
People for to be friendly who do not need to pretend

The Happy Go Lucky Man

I do envy him the happy go lucky man
For his future he does not have any big plan
Quite happy with his lot he make the most of everyday
If he has any small cares he just laughs them away

Captain Con Murphy Of Ballydaly

It has been ninety six years since Captain Con Murphy of Ballydaly was the first Irishman for the possession of arms to be put to death
By order of the British Government by firing squad he was robbed of his living breath
In January nineteen twenty one in Cork Military Barracks on his life's thirtieth year
One who died as he lived a brave man free of fear

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