Francis Duggan Poems

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The Fair Rose Of Penshurst

In his memories of her she has not grown old
The fair Rose of Penshurst with ringlets of gold
That grew to her shoulders she has not aged a day
In his mind time has not left her looking wrinkled and gray

If You Can Cling To The Belief

If you cling to the belief in your times of financial strife
That good things for you will happen in your life
Then good things will assuredly happen for you
If you truly believe that such is your due

Not An Earthly Paradise

Those who have never lived here will never understand
That this is not an Earthly Paradise this great far Southern Land
The devastating Victorian bush fires, Queensland's destructive Cyclone Yasi and of biblical proportions flood
Yet courage in abundance flows in Australian blood

The Bird Does Not Sing For

The bird does not sing for the joys of the Spring
With him song is a territorial thing
The neighbor male bird of his kind know by the tone of his voice
That to venture inside his borders would not be a good choice

Through Our Different Eyes

We must beg to differ it does seem to me
Through our different eyes we see things differently
If we all thought in the same way how boring we would be
Variety is the spice of life would you not agree?

Sean Radley's Night

A man who deserves to be in the limelight
On February the nineteenth at Noel C Duggan's Green Glens Arena 'twill be Sean Radley's night
A likable character in every way
We do need more like him is all one can say

Due To Bombings And Shootings

Due to bombings and shootings it does seem sad to say
Good people are dying in war zones every day
To live in a war zone was their only crime
And to be in the wrong place and there at the wrong time

On Australian Magpies

They sing in the darkness long before daybreak
The Flute of the magpie one cannot mistake
They often wake from their sleep and sing on the moonlit tree
Their notes familiar to many and familiar to me

Some Men

Some men love their wives and their children and are known to be caring and kind
Gentlemen in the true sense of the word any fault in them not easy to find
But some other males they are not this way their wives and their children they do beat
In any way not to be trusted they lie and embezzle and cheat

You Say We Live In A Free Country

You say we live in a free Country but can you say you are truly free
Of fear of attack from another of which you have no guarantee
We live in fear of suicide bombers or other forms of attack
And the gift of life from once it is taken cannot again be given back

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