Francis Duggan Poems

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Perhaps In Reality

Perhaps in reality i will never again
See old Clara half cloaked in the gray fogs of rain
Or hear the babble of the silver tongued rill
Flowing down to the river in the fields by the hill

Only Of What Was

It is true that one only can learn from the past
And only of what was the memories do last
Time will not wait for you as it did not wait for me
But we learn as we live is how it seems to be

Though They Are Special

Though they are quite special they firmly believe
Self important people their own selves do only deceive
For on some future night or on some future day
The one who swings the scythe of death will come reaping their way

Wife Beaters

Some of them at home enjoy beating their wives
The materially successful who lead so called honorable lives
Wife beaters they are of every social rank
They can be multi millionaire c e o's or managers of a big bank

The Ex Shearer Jim

In pubs in country towns he often drank until closing time at night
But Jim always jovial one who never looked for fight
In his prime ten years ago things are different for him today
Some do have their crosses life works in this way

The Timid And The Brave

I know a woman she is scared of spiders
But in deep and dangerous waters she will swim
And I know a non swimmer he's scared of water
And spiders never seem to worry him.


Rocky peaks of Makarora in the summer wear their snow
And down the lush green grassy valley the clear mountain river flow
Songbirds piping in the beechwoods songthrush, bellbird and

What's Life About I Often Wonder

What's life about I often wonder since we are mortals born to die
Many claim that the soul lives forever whilst some will tell you that's a lie
And as for the World of the hereafter none of as yet has come back for to tell
Of the paradise referred to as heaven or the World of the damned known as hell

What We Give We Receive

We only see in others what we want to see
And what I dislike in others I dislike in me
Such pearls of wisdom from the past we recall
But judge yourself as you would judge others if you judge at all

It Is Thanks To Money

It is thanks to money that he has a beautiful young wife
And it is thanks to money that he lives the good life
And though he earned his fortune in the honest way
Money speaks every language as some like to say.

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