Francis Duggan Poems

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The Man Who Claims To Know It All

There is nothing on which he does not have an opinion the man who claims to know it all
On politics and life and on history and on sports especially football
To others in knowledge he does feel superior but no fool like an old fool they say
Some men with age do not grow wiser they only grow arrogant and gray

Since I Have Not Been There

Since i have not been there for three decades of years
For green old Duhallow i have long shed my last tears
Though in my flights of fancy on a Winter day
In a farmyard shed i hear cattle bellowing for silage or hay

You Too Have A Life Story

That you too have a life story happens to be true
Though the one to tell your story it may well not be you
When you die you may not be well known or not wealthy but some one your life story will relate
Of how you had your good and bad days and your life we ought to celebrate

To Me It Will Not Matter

To me it will not matter when i have lived my last day
If nice or unkind things others of me have to say
Though i wish to live on for as long as i can
Live since i will be of no use to anyone as a dead man

On The High Woodside Paddock

On the high woodside paddock in the pale moonlight
The wombat and her young one are out for the night
To a protective mother out of the den he or she stays near
To the young burrowing marsupial the sounds of the night is a source of fear

This Penning Of Rhyme Can Be

This penning of rhyme can be a 'hungry belly game'
For me no money in it and scarce little fame
It is something i enjoy doing and little else more
This is something you may have heard me say before

The Local Casanova Matt

He is choosy of his the type of woman the local casanova Matt
Most of the women he know of to him not attractive some too thin and others too fat
His last girlfriend Jo quite attractive it is said she did give him the flick
She felt he was far too conceited and with him she refused for to stick

You Can Love Your Country

You can love your Country without for it dying
Though that martyrdom is the ultimate sacrifice there can be no denying
At the grave of the war hero the last post is played
And brave war heroes are honored in every war parade

For As Long As You Possess

For as long as you possess the gift of memory
Your past will live in you as it does live in me
Old friends you remember some with the dead lay
And others you have not seen for many a day

For As Long As You Possess The Gift Of Memory

For as long as you possess the gift of memory
Your past will live in you as it does live in me
Old friends you remember some with the dead lay
And others you have not seen for many a day

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