Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
That They Can Come At A Huge Cost

That they can come at a huge cost cannot be denied
Religion, nationalism and patriotic pride
In their honour wars are being waged Worldwide
For God and for Country too many have died.

Nomadic Jim

The people nice to me in case you get me wrong
But I must be off been around here too long
Nomadic Jim said to me in a farewell good day
As to the railway station he hurried on his way

As The Sun Goes Down Red

Though most of her secrets from us she keeps hidden away
From Nature we learn something new every day
And the more we learn of her the more we realize
That there is far more to her than we can see with our eyes

Money Never Fails

His ageing wife at home getting drunk on expensive wine
Whilst with his lovely young mistress in a posh restaurant he dine
Of his infidelities to her his wife is quite aware
But she does not love him nor neither does she care

Those Great Entertainers Of Ghana

Those great entertainers of Ghana to their drumming they dance and sing
Music, song and dance an integral part of their culture with them 'tis a natural thing
Compared to them I feel quite ordinary as if my feet are tied to the ground
They sing, dance and drum with a passion in them talent seem to abound

Everyone For Himself Or For Herself

Everyone for himself or for herself and God for us all
An old saying from the past I can't help but recall
Or survival of the fittest as some like to say
Which may sound a bit selfish but most of us humans this way

Perhaps I Will Never Again See

Perhaps I will never again see Hibernia's Shore
Or climb up the high field of green Claramore
For it is a steep one Jack Johnny's high field
That lead to the foot of Clara where grass to bracken yield.

Since I Left Millstreet In Duhallow

It has been many years since I left Millstreet in Duhallow
To travel far south my life's dreams for to follow
Yet I'm poorer than ever and far off of glory
Though like all others to tell I too have a life story.

The Coorong In Climate Change

In the bare lands of saltpans where the brown Murray flow
Where few creatures live and only saltbush grow
Where Australia's First people lived in the Dreamtime
Long before the first book was written and the birth of rhyme

A Silent Relationship

A non speaking relationship is with one by sight you know
Though not any form of recognition between you does show
Between you and him or her it is never good evening, night or good day
You both pass by in silence with nothing to say

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