Francis Duggan Poems

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Memories Of Wonthaggi

Since the last time I see old Wonthaggi many weeks and months have gone by
Above the scrub by Powlett River the lark sang in the sunny sky
The country side by the old coal Town I do see when I visualize
And on the bracken clad hill of Baxter's land I see the roos box at sunrise

On Dorothea Mckellar's My Country

One of Australia's all time great poems she did write
A poem many Aussies feel proud to recite
A poem that has moved migrant Aussies to tears
My Country will live on for centuries of years.

A Lively Old Man

For his age he is full of elan
He is such a lively old man
He laugh and he dance and he sing
To him life is a wonderful thing

Some Religious People

Some religious people do look on as odd
Those who do not believe in the existence of God
They refuse to believe that in an atheist you'll find
A person who can be quite good and kind

God Helps Those

Though to the one God everyone does not pray
God helps those who help themselves the more cynical say
But in what they do say there is truth to be found
Since in the Human World greed does seem to abound.

A Silly Old Pair

The years have left him looking gray
And time on his life ticking away
He is not a wise man 'twould appear
And his wife seems a silly old dear.

If You Look For Evil

If you look for evil good you cannot see
For your eyes only tell you what they want you in others to see
Of good and bad races you keep telling me
But your opinions are different to mine we see things differently.

The Music Of O Carolan

The music of O Carolan I have loved for many years
So sad and yet so beautiful it reduces one to tears
The poor blind harper of the County Meath is one many tend to under-rate
As a composer of beautiful music he is one we ought to celebrate

Her Grandmother Came From Cullen

By the church on the hill some of her ancestors lay
In the old Cullen graveyard so far, far away
In Cullen they lived and in Cullen they died
And their descendants have travelled the World far and wide.

Christmas Day 98

The smoke of the barby, the smell of frying meat
And even in the shade we perspire in the heat
And I scratch where the mozzies are biting my feet
Far distant from Ireland, North Cork and Millstreet.

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