Francis Duggan Poems

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Kindness Of Heart

'Tis not how financially well off or the make of your car
That says anything of you the person you are
Material things from others may place you apart
But one's greatest asset is kindness of heart,

In A World Of Winners And Losers

For the winner 'tis not easy to be humble since victory does taste so sweet
And as for the one who did not win 'tis hard to be gracious in defeat
In a World of winners and losers the winners only seem to count
And the tag of the gallant second to nothing does seem to amount,

An Honourable Ordinary Bloke

With scarce little money or assets to his name
An ordinary bloke he does not lust for fame
And you never hear him talk about the hard life
And he does not beat his children or he does not beat his wife.

Nature's Butterflies

When they grow their wings and leave their pupa stage
Their time span seems brief and so quickly they age
Just a few days or less in the parkland to fly
And enjoy the freedom of the open sky,

It Is So Good To Be Outdoors

On a sunny day like this day tis just great to be alive
Just to walk out in the sunshine or to go off on a drive
To the mountain or the coastal town or to the park nearby
It is nice for to be outdoors when the sun is in the sky

Tim Kennelly

A mighty Gaelic Footballer he inspired the bards to rhyme
He played centre half back for Kerry when he was in his prime
A stalwart of the Listowel Emmetts a famous Gaelic Football Club
And in the Town of listowel he owned a well known pub.

The People Who Love Nature

Not seen as great or special or the leaders of our time
But to the people who love Nature i dedicate this rhyme
They dedicate their free time for the future of human kind
And in the person who loves Nature a great person you will find.

The Shopping Trolley Man

Every day for eight hours or maybe more
He walks up and down through the car park by the big food store
On the lookout for unreturned shopping trolleys for each one he returns a dollar is his pay
The most he might earn would be thirty dollars a day.

Once The Town's Rose

In Cafe Saltwater overlooking the sea
You will see her there every day around three
Enjoying her cappucino she sits on her own
As one of great beauty she used to be known.

Lake Bolac It Is Almost Dry

I know that climate change is for real not an environmentalist lie
One of Western Victoria's largest lakes Lake Bolac is almost dry
Perhaps down to twenty per cent of capacity and dwindling by the day
The remaining water in it from the original lake shore now does seem far away.

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