Francis Duggan Poems

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In Myself I Despise

I am down on the egotistical but what does this say of me
That i am as screwed up as the word can be
Big egos around me are all i do see
An endangered species the one of humility

Tommy Tucker

A hero to all Ballydaly fans in Gaelic Football
Of the no longer club he has left them with many good memories for to recall
He coached Ballydaly to a great Duhallow Championship win in nineteen seventy five
Decades of years post death of the club such good memories survive

In Me Room For Self Improvement

In me room for self improvement tell me something i do not know
As i age like many others spiritually i do not grow
In most of us room for self improvement when you see it in this way
Too much love of self for the mind not healthy despite what some of this do have to say

The Writers Write Of It

The writers write of it and of it the singers do sing
The great gift of love is a wonderful thing
But that love can be temporary of such one must feel aware
And loves that do last a lifetime have always been rare

The Rhymes Do Come To Me And I Pen Them Down

The rhymes do come to me and i pen them down
But never for money or for literary renown
Just one of those people who was born to rhyme
I have been a rhymer for four decades of time

There Are

There are poets and those who do think they are poets
And sheep who are so very different to goats
And there are fish and water and marine birds and mammals different in every way
Difference it is the word of every day

Old Dick

The years on him now are beginning to show
Far north of the land where the Bass waters flow
The man who has been there and who has done that
From Adelaide to Perth and Broome to Darwin and down to Ballarat

I Did Think My Past

I did think my past was in the forever gone
But wherever i go to it does follow on
In the memory bank of my mind suppose it will stay
For as long as i live till my last night and day

The Praises Of Some

The praises of some i do like i do sing
But i live in my own way and do my own thing
And what is your business it does suit me fine
For your business is surely not any business of mine

Greater Time

In years of time we may seem old but in greater time we are not
For in greater time even those in written history will be forgot
Like all life forms we are mere mortals this and nothing more
And few in human years do reach the ripe old age of five score

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