Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
She Was Quite A Beauty

She was quite a beauty five decades ago
Before time that ages everything became her foe
The town's number one beauty in her physical prime
Though this is going back some five decades in time

Your Dog's Friendship

Human friendships are conditional why even pretend
Your dog is your only unconditional friend
For a few pats, a few words of kindness and a good feed every day
For as long as she or he lives your dog as your friend will stay

One Of Few Words

He is one of few words he never speaks loud
The only silent one in the noisy crowd
Yet it is true that the person with little to say
Is one who does learn from life every day

John Van Heurck

It never will be out of date or never out of fashion
In most humans there is the need for this thing known as passion
His passion is for tin whistling it does mean so much to him
For the effort he puts in to it none i know of none to outdo him

The Past Has

The past has gone the future is ahead though today is all that does matter
And most in time do show their age and grow a little fatter
We learn as we live it is said though this may be worth debating
For some learn little if anything at all a fact that is worth stating

Stories Like Gina's

It does seem for Gina luck is not on her side
Her hens are not laying and her rooster has died
And sadder for Gina her far younger ex partner the virile young Ted
Is with one sexier and younger than she is now sharing a bed

Since You Do Not Like Others To Laugh At You

Since you do not like others to laugh at you
Laugh with but not at is what you should do
Having your laughs at someone else's expense
Is not adult behavior or common sense

Irish John

He will never more wear the shamrock on St Patrick's Day
Or sing songs of his old homeland from here far away
Far south of his first hometown his last remains lay
Irish John was one who laughed at life of him one can say

As I Do Well Remember

Though i had known of better days i did have dreams to follow
It was my yearn for adventure that lured me from Duhallow
To this great southern Country of many different races
Of different Countries of the World and many different places

Child Of The Lesser God

Her mum and dad behind prison bars one of the city's down-trod
She walks the street in shabby clothes child of the lesser god
A child prostitute at thirteen years her only means to stay alive
Some of her sort to adulthood are not known to survive

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