Francis Duggan Poems

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His Name Not Even Mentioned

life's so called losers hardly matter that's what Government
ministers think
The poor bloke found dead on the park bench was addicted to alcoholic drink
His remains discovered by a jogger but they never told us why

On Receiving A Phone Call From Jimmy Sullivan

It had been a few years since I last heard from Jimmy Sullivan a friend of mine who lives in Millstreet Town
But very lately early in the morning he gave me a ring for to give me the run down
Of the recent happenings in my old home Parish where I took leave of many years ago
Going by what he had said the changes have been happening and if I returned to there now the place I'd hardly know.

People From A Different World

I met them in the lake park whilst out walking the Universisty Professor and his wife
In their late fifties or maybe early sixties one might say they had seen a bit of life
As we were walking in the same direction we began to chat as we sauntered along
On a warm and breezy morning in December the magpie on the wattle was in song.


Snowball the white silky bantam rooster he does the things all roosters like to do
Amongst his hens in Steve's and Annie's garden he utters forth his cock a doodle doo
The bigger hens they don't seem to respect him though that fact Snowball does not seem to rue
He sticks close to his white silky bantams each to his own so happens to be true.

So Many So Called Love Poems

So many so called love poems have been written it's so easy for to say that I love you
But few loves last until death do us part and when I say that I mean very few
How many marriages have ended in the divorce courts and how many loves have foundered in a year?
And only bitterness where once were hugs and kisses another love song I do not wish to hear.

What We Do To Mother Nature

I cannot help but feeling that the arrogance of man
Is in some way responsible for the earthquake that cost thousands of human lives in Iran
The doings of Mother Nature many well might say
But for tampering with her the price is huge to pay.

On Seeing The Burns Statue In Sydney

The National Bard of Scotland with his plough and pen
And a legend still amongst his fellow men
In the Sydney Botanical Gardens his statue takes pride of place
His poems and songs and ballads most of the known cultures embrace.

Australian Federal Election 2001

All I see are two ageing power hungry men squabbling for the lion's share
And who will win Howard or Beazley? don't ask me I don't care
The Labor party and the Coalition seem very much the same to me
As neither of them have once promised for to combat poverty.

The Birthday Man

In October Brian Murphy turned eighty two though he is one who don't feel old
And in his life of great adventure there's a good story to be told
As a young man he left Skerries in Dublin for Britain and the U S A
And in the tough business of banking to the top he worked his way.

You May Be Right Of Centre

You've often heard it said before each to their point of view
And what is true to one person to another doesn't seem true
But if your point of view is not discriminatory though in some things we do not agree
Then I will listen to your truth and that's okay with me.

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