Francis Duggan Poems

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So Many Poets

So many well known poets pen their poems to the wealthy as if the slum dwellers and the down trod
Were people who were born to be inferior and would always be further down from God
As if to be poor was to be seen unworthy and never worthy of equality
They ought to have a look around the slum parts and have a close up view of poverty.

Josie Fay

Devoted to her husband Sean and their children and honourable in every way
And there is so much to like about in kind hearted Josie Fay
And to the good St Therese for soul sustenance she pray
And she's a moral and good person who makes a new friend every day.

Eastern Rosellas

Amongst Australia's fairest parrots in red and white and green and gold
The eastern rosellas so lovely to behold
And though not classified as plentiful or not seen every where
They are not an endangered species and not known to be rare.

Duhallow Rover

The wanderlust was in his blood he yearned for foreign places
And Australia appealed to him with it's wide open spaces
The outside World was calling him and he had dreams to follow
So he left his home by Allow banks near Kanturk in Duhallow.


Danny fancies himself as a 'chippy'
Though he won't listen to what others say
He feels that years of experience count for nothing
And he will always do things his own way.

Lines Written On Meeting Three Ladies

Number thirty nine Bay Street Port Melbourne that number ought ring a bell
That's one pub favoured by many called the Molly Bloom Hotel
Met three lovely Aussie nurses there on a weekend night in June
And they proved the main atraction at the famous Molly Bloom.

Life Goes On

For some of us there may not be a tomorrow but life goes on no matter who comes or goes
The rose tree stem this year that had a rose upon her will next year give birth to another rose,
The President dies and for weeks the people mourn him but the grass without him in the fields will grow
And life goes on as life has gone on always no matter who may come or who may go.

Old Les

Old Les is quite an amiable fellow a paid up member of the Poets Club
And on friday evening with a few strong ales in he recites his verses at the local pub
Though the pub patrons do not give him their attention they drink in groups and talk about football
And arts and literature do not interest them the World is ruled by rednecks after all.

He Never Will Become The New Napoleon

He never will become the new Napoleon for Napoleon always led his men to war
Whilst he enjoys the good life with his wealthy buddies his fighter pilots and soldiers fight for him afar
At night his fighter pilots fly o'er distant cities and dropp their deadly parcels from the sky
And he deludes himself into believing that he is quite a good and decent guy.

The Man From Colorado

The wisdom of old grand pop the children do amaze
As he recalls to them the stories of his happy childhood days
In Greeley in Colorado in the U.S of A
Far north of here as the crow might fly more than half of a World away.

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