Francis Duggan Poems

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The Young Rose Of Koroit

Her wavy shoulder length hair a light chestnut brown
The charming dark eyed beauty of old Koroit Town
With a beautiful smile and free of conceit
As nice a person as one could wish for to meet

Billy Coleman Of Minor Row

In motor rallying he drove his way into Worldwide renown
Billy Coleman of Minor Row in Millstreet Town
One of the World's great rally drivers in his life's prime
Though this is going back many Seasons in time

Old Jacky From Geelong

Old Jacky he has worked in many a town
And many a street he has walked up and down
Since he left Geelong when he was nineteen
He has done lots of traveling and many places has seen

July In South West Victoria

The sun behind gray clouds is hidden away
And the rain drizzling down on a wet wintry day
July in south west Victoria a cool and wet time of year
Yet the song of the magpie is pleasant to hear

Old Murray

Old Murray Australia's biggest river crawls silently, deep and brown
To the Pacific Ocean by Tailem Bend Town
It has been flowing southward to the ocean long before the birth of the first woman and man
The river now known as the Murray millions of centuries of time does span

It Ripples On Downland The Old Glasheen Rill

From it's source in Inchaleigh in view of Clara Hill
It ripples on downland the old Glasheen Rill
Through fields on the Claraghatlea-Inchaleigh border where rushes in clusters do grow
Into Finnow the white river it's waters do flow

Than Words Can Ever Say

We are ruled by the egotistical the arrogant kind
More compassionate people than they are would not be hard to find
The fair go they talk of does not apply to all,
People of great power but in their thinking quite small

Duhallow In May

The cool winds of Spring from the Boggeraghs do blow
And in a flat and rushy field near where Finnow does flow
The mating call of the bird all country people do know
Hidden among a cluster of rushes the shy male pheasant crow

At Their Every Success In Public

At their every success in public they rejoice
The people who love the sound of their own voice
Some of their kind i do know and sometimes do meet
Their swollen egos have their sources in self conceit

Worrying About Something

Worrying about something does not make the worry go away
And one small worry can grow to a bigger worry as the wise one does say
The town's wealthiest man at fifty among the deceased now lay
Worrying gave to him cancer he was buried today

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