Francis Duggan Poems

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Not Freedom Fighters

Those who target and maim and kill civilians are not freedom fighters
We ought to make that one straight
They are only misguided lunatics
Who are possessed by mistrust and hate

Tim Kennelly

A mighty Gaelic Footballer he inspired the bards to rhyme
He played centre half back for Kerry when he was in his prime
A stalwart of the Listowel Emmetts a famous Gaelic Football Club
And in the Town of listowel he owned a well known pub.

It Is So Good To Be Outdoors

On a sunny day like this day tis just great to be alive
Just to walk out in the sunshine or to go off on a drive
To the mountain or the coastal town or to the park nearby
It is nice for to be outdoors when the sun is in the sky

I Envy The Forgotten Hermit

Our kind has climbed the highest mountains and jumped out of planes in the sky
And walked upon outer space planets in places to where birds cannot fly
We even try to compete with Nature with the emphasis on the word try
But Nature wins out in the long run for we age and grow old and die.


The mighty power of Nature is beyond human control
And when Mother Nature gets angry of human lives she takes toll
The tsunamis or sea quake in South Asia left thousands of people dead
Of this most recent disaster so much written and said.

I Apologize

I apologize but for what I do not know
And my standing with some 'twould seem at a low
'Twould seem I hurt their feelings with my pen
But in the game of life one has to lose to win.

The Devotion To Patriotism

The Citizens band play the National Anthem at the front of the parade
And the returned soldiers march behind them in war their mark they had made
In a north eastern Country they had done their Nation proud
The National flags are waving and the cheering for them loud

Fox Hunting Is Banned In Britain

A so called sport of the upper class that inspired the bards to rhyme
Fox hunting is banned in Britain everything has it's time
For nothing last forever it had passed it's use by date
And in chasing down and killing a frightened creature what is to celebrate?

Some Call Me A Boring Old Fart

I'm not interested in football or baseball or tennis or cricket or art
Or opera or modern poetry some call me a boring old fart
I'm just one of many poetasters a writer of doggerel rhyme
For me the fun is gone out of living I'm wearied by old father time.

Please Give Me One More Glass Of Red Wine

You will die when the reaper will come for you though others
on that have different to say
Such as when god says you've had your innings and to beg for his mercy to him they pray
I may be wrong and they may be right who knows for their guess is as good as mine

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