Gangadharan nair Pulingat.. Poems

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It Is The Love.

We are born free, with freedom
Mother's care and concern always
Her love and care gives the strength
Her attention saves the child in time


The legendary unknown poet wrote
Let there be light in place of darkness
Let there be wise and peaceful thoughts
In place of wrong deeds and wrong words

Real Answers.

The people finding their own divine footprints
To ease out the real hardships of life
Through the prayers and hymns they formulated
They knew sound is to be reckoned for human peace


World literature for human unity
World literature for human conscience
That binds the little human hearts
The pride of civilization here nurtured

With Gratititude

Of all scenery of nature
I prefer the beautiful rivers
Which carries the cultural linkage
The beauty of humans and their pride

Restrict Ourselves.

Save the planet from global warming
Follow on the restrictions for our own good
The restrictions to curb the green house gas
The tragedies those are human made

Human Talent

Every step in stairs to heights
Where we can be in upper floors of buildings
The stairs uses for downstairs also
The meaning to heights and downs ways are same

The Clarity Of Ways.

I love this world
The people and countries
Since I do not hate
Or I cannot be in anger

The Learned One Says.

Every one was sad while they saw
The young lady in tears and wept with sorrow
Before the enlightened one she prayed
Let the life bought back from the death


Christmas the great celebration
Great teachings of love each other
The world rejoices in great event
The human beings the great meaning

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