Gangadharan nair Pulingat.. Poems

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Performance Of Winter.

The perfect time is winter
Better to study the lessons
The perfect time is winter
The better time to chant the texts

A Man Of Success.

He is a successful man in life
A business man, wealthy man
School was only an ambition
Life was difficult in childhood

Schools For Deprived Children.

The children in streets
The children in work sites
Different project sites in world
The children of migrated workers

What Heart Tells.

Listening your message ever
In the early morning I prefer
The Hope you give in life
The listening helps me to survive

Freedom And Justice.

Freedom, justice, fair trials
The great boon of modern world
Where humans gets chances
To prove the innocence in fair trials

Smile The Symbol Of Love.

A welcome gesture that shows
A happy and nice emotion that feels
A friendship that starts
A good look and good feeling interprets

Service Book.

I likes my service book
As a beautiful history book
Of my individuality and profession
Where my dates of joining


There we missed the pick axe
An old one used for digging wells
In rocks it worked well
In stiff earth it made performances

Water We Must Be Careful.

Highlight the loving nature ever
Where it stored ground water
When the world is in scarcity
Like a treasure we can use it of.

Freedom Ever It May Long Live.

Refer the books in shelves of earlier centuries
The history books and good old histories of world
Kings, emperors, conflicts, murders, were there
But histories of the common man misses

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