George Krokos Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Child Of Nature (Pt1)

There is a child of nature hidden within us all
a creature of innocence like that prior the Fall.
Nobody around, it seems, knows just how old it may really be
though an enlightened estimate gives it an ageless chronology.

Quatrain #73 - Do Not Ever Lose Hope Or.......

Quatrain #277 - God Really Cannot Ever Be Either.......

Quatrain #499 - What’s Really Possible And.........

The W.C. (Humorous)

If there’s one place in the house we can’t do without
it must then be the W.C. that doesn’t really stand out.
It is our main port of call during the day and night
that we all use to answer calls of nature out of sight.

Quatrain #506 - It Is Said That Too Much Pride....

Quatrain #411 - Do Not Ever Let Anger.........

In Memory Of Mother

O mother dear of this my life
you were more to me like a wife
as we lived together for a while
after dad had died and in style.

It Has Always Been You - Pt3

Part 3
It was only through repeated experiences, I would learn
that, where I was heading, would surely make me burn.
Tempted with fancy indulgences my mind would lead me astray

The Radiance Of Pure Being

In the light of another sun
much brighter than this one
there no darkness is ever seen
as the mind of thought is clean.

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